Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It was Cheyenne's last week before her mission begins! My mom and dad came to visit Tuesday through Monday and my sister and her family stayed with us Thursday through Sunday and Mariah came home Friday through Sunday. It was so fun to have them all here! We did a lot of fun things and we fit a lot of other things in between.

On Monday, we got an MRI for Bethany because she has been having some blurry vision episodes. On Tuesday we found out that there was a concerning issue and on Thursday we went to Primary Children's Hospital for an ophthalmologist appointment. That was some of the non-fun things.

On Thursday and Saturday we went to funerals for Kathy Evans and Becca Mila. That was some more non-fun things.

One of the fun things for Bethany this week was that the high school had auditions for their November musical, Newsies. She did singing tryouts Tuesday and dance tryouts Wednesday. On Saturday she found out that she gets to be in the ensemble. She is super excited and it looks like it will be a lot of fun.

That wasn't the only tryout this week. On Saturday morning, Beth and Ben tried out for the demo team for karate! They both made it! This will mean they get fancy red karate uniforms with their names embroidered on the back as well as an extra class and chances to perform. I think the uniforms is their favorite part.

It was super fun for me to have my family here this week. On Thursday night they came to our ward party with us which was a picnic up our canyon. On Friday a whole crowd of us went to the temple together and that was amazing. On Saturday we packed up dutch ovens and the canoe and went for an evening at Payson Lake. It was just beautiful and a fun way to celebrate Cali and Chey's birthday early!

On Sunday, Cali and Chey gave their farewell talks at church. They both spoke of personal experiences with God where they received comfort and guidance. These experiences helped them decide to go on missions. They really did great jobs. Our family all sang a medley of Sisters in Zion and Army of Helaman in between their talks (the twins' idea!) and it turned out well. Afterwards, we had an open house in our yard with food, friends, and family. That afternoon Cheyenne got set apart and we all told her how much we loved her and cried alot. We will miss that girl but we are so happy for her.

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