Sunday, August 13, 2023

On Monday of this week, we took new family pictures! Everything went really well but it is sure a lot of work: finding a location (I wanted sunflowers!), planning clothes, and coordinating everyone's schedule. I hope they turn out well but in the meantime, it was sure fun to be with everybody (it always is!). Our biggest problem was that Miss Avery only wanted to be with Cheyenne. She has learned her name and is always calling out for her, "Chey! Chey!" It's super cute.

Jen! Our fearless photographer.

On Tuesday, many of us went to see the Barbie movie. Beth and Ben went with their neighborhood friends and dressed up so cute! Cheyenne, Calianne, Savannah, and Mariah insisted that I come that evening, too. It was super fun! Plus, afterward we had many good discussions on the different messages in the movie, which ones we agreed with and which ones we didn't!

On Wednesday, we woke up early and hiked Silver Lake! It was me, Megan, Mariah, Cali, Chey, Beth, and Ben. Everyone let me lead so we could go super slow and take lots of breaks. It's 2.25 miles uphill to the lake and it took us two hours but it is so beautiful! I love that lake! And I love those people! Kevin met us at the Purple Turtle afterward for milkshakes and fries. Fun, fun times!

That evening, even though we were exhausted from the hike, we had planned a dance at our house! Which is so fun. We used to do that all the time when I was a kid and we've never done it! Mariah especially was looking forward to it as the perfect last hurrah before she headed back to school. In the end we had Mariah's friends, Chey's friends, Cali's friends, and Bethany's friends. It was a big crowd! And they all seemed to have so much fun!

Avery danced some, too!

Thursday morning I slept in but no one else did! Kevin, Savannah, Mariah, Chey, Cali, Beth, and Ben went to the temple together to do baptisms. Cali and Chey had done an endowment the day before between the hike and the dance. They are getting in as much attendance as they can before their missions! I love watching their excitement and commitment.

That night Kevin, Mariah, Cali, Chey, and I were back at the temple to do sealings. Chey did another session in the afternoon. See what I mean? Yay temple!

The church is continuing its giant YSA activities this week and Chey and Cali went to the dance with 10,000 other single adults on Friday and on Saturday, Chey ran in the 5K. I haven't heard yet about the 5K, but they said the dance was "crazy!" They did have fun and I think it's neat they are choosing to be a part of the festivities.

On Saturday, Mariah left us to return to St. George for school and the upcoming cross country season. We already miss her like crazy! She leaves a big hole when she is gone. It was hard to say goodbye, but she needed to be back for her friend's wedding on Saturday afternoon. She moves in on Monday and starts meetings for Cross Country on Tuesday! She has already secured a job that will count as her internship hours where she will help plan St. George races. It sounds perfect for her!

Also on Saturday morning, we gathered as a family to help Sarah get a small reprieve. Megan made everyone cinnamon rolls. We got there early enough to take care of Avery so Sarah could sleep in and then we helped clean the house. Sarah has just a month left before her new baby comes! We are happy to help her out and it's always fun to be together. Megan planned it. She is such a good sister!

Saturday afternoon, Ben's friend Kyler came over to hang out for the second day in a row, the Milas and Max came over and hung out, too. Cookies were made, games were played, and the upcoming school year was discussed in great detail! It's fun to see Beth and Ben with a good friend group. School starts next week!

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