Monday, August 7, 2023

Benjamin had YM camp this week! Their group of boys and leaders left Wednesday morning for a canoeing trip down the Colorado River. They canoed every day for several miles before getting to new camping spots. Ben canoed every day in a canoe that had no seats. There were paddleboards available but they were limited so Ben let the other boys use them since he knew he would get other chances at Palisades. What a nice kid! They returned home Saturday evening several shades darker from sun and dirt. They had crazy hair, and they were all smiles. Ben had a great time. He said they had devotionals every night and he's never slept so well as he did in his own tent on his new sleeping pad. We all missed him like crazy!

Mariah had a fun reunion this week. One of her mission companions got married and invited some past investigators from New York City and they came! So, they all enjoyed visiting at the reception and on Saturday night we had them over to our house. We got to meet Sister Adharkari (Rebecca) and Sister Thompson (Malea). And we enjoyed seeing Michael, Carlo, and Joseph again (who we initially met on our trip to New York). 

Cali and Chey continue to work their respective jobs and go to the temple as often as they can. Our printer is kept busy printing temple names! On Thursday morning, Kevin, Mariah, Cali, Chey, and I did initiatories together. Afterwards we bought kolaches. It was super fun!

On Saturday night, Cali and Chey went to the giant YSA concert in Salt Lake City. They saw One Republic, Jordan Smith, and Jordan Sparks. There were so many YSA there that the Front Runner they wanted to take home was jam full and public transit had to get another train to get the rest home. They got home around 2am! Crazy, but so fun!

Other than that Beth and Ben both had guitar lessons. Karate happened. Savannah got real sick but is feeling better. I did more of my class. We had Avery over three days (she's so fun)! Beth hung out with friends a few times.

On Monday morning, Kevin had an MRI on his knee. He found out that he has a torn meniscus. He went to an orthopedic surgeon on Thursday and scheduled surgery for August 25. So, he is looking forward to feeling better!

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