Monday of this week was Pioneer Day! Most everyone still needed to work and we definitely celebrated the pioneers at Nauvoo so we settled for a quick family trip to the snowie shack outside Reams. So fun!
Tuesday, Ben spent the day determined to learn how to solve a Rubik's cube. He found a YouTube video that he liked best and then spent about six hours following along until he could do it himself. He was super frustrated at points, but he didn't give up! By the end of the day, he could solve it in under five minutes. Go Ben!
Beth and I watched Avery for the second day in a row. We love that little character! That night we helped Megan and Ammon move! They moved to a really nice apartment that is only a mile from Ammon's new medical school and is about seven miles closer to us. Ammon's family did most of the work but we helped a bit at the end and Megan gave us ice cream sandwiches! Ammon started medical school this week and got his white coat. We are so excited for both of them and the new things in their lives.
On Wednesday, Chey moved out of Wolverine Crossing. Beth, Ben, and I went to help. We got the last of her stuff out and her food and then helped her clean. Beth and Ben were a great help! What troopers! Cheyenne sure had a great experience at Wolverine Crossing and has made some really good friends. We are grateful for her good memories!
On Thursday, we left for the Skinner Family Reunion! This year we went to Lava Hot Springs. We camped at a place about a mile past town. It was a pretty place! On Friday we went floating in tubes on the river and on Saturday we went to the giant pool with the high dives and slides. But the best part was seeing the family, catching up on everyone's lives, and spending time together. It's so good to be with family!
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