Sunday, May 21, 2023

Last Sunday was Mother's Day! Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik came over and we had a nice dinner. It happened to be Grandpa's 81st birthday, too! So, we had a poke and pour cake and we all had cards and presents. Mariah was on her way home from St. George (she flew into Las Vegas that day on her way back from her last track meet) so we played games while we waited for her. She made it home and it was so great to see her!! We waited to take a picture until she got there, but by then Sarah had already gone home to put Avery to bed so we never got one!

On Monday morning, Kevin, Cali, Chey, and Ben woke up early to do baptisms at the temple.

I watched Avery later that day and the dandelions made such a beautiful backdrop for a picture!

Kevin and I got the baseboards in on our remodeling project this week which meant that I could move furniture back! That's a huge deal! There are some little things that still need to happen, but it feels done!

On Wednesday night, Bethany had a band concert. They played The Bridge Over the River Kwai which we all loved and lots of other fun songs. For the last song, the director came out in a Chewbaca costume and danced and marched around the stage for the duration. It was a lot of fun.

Also on Wednesday, Beth went to the end-of-season track party and she got three awards! Way to go, kid!

It's been super fun to have Mariah back home! She is taking summer classes online and she is super resentful of the time they take. She says she's burned out! We're hoping she can pull through because these will make it possible for her to graduate this time next spring! She's also running, reconnecting with her sisters and with friends, and trying to find time to get all the boxes put away that she brought back from college. She is a very hard-working girl and we love her!

We've seen Chey more this week, too, as she has resumed shifts at Heritage, the assisted living center where she worked her senior year. Those shifts bring her back to Springville. She is still finding time to be with her friends at her apartment complex, too. She is trying to manage the stress of wanting to be two places at once now that Mariah and Cali are home!

Cali is busy working on her summer classes. They take her back to campus Monday through Thursday and have her on her computer at home. Most of the friends she met during the college year have gone home. She misses them but she is free to do things with sisters, do homework, and visit with her sweet boyfriend, Jordan.

Benjamin was sick on Friday of this week and so he stayed home from school. He read almost an entire book! I don't think I've ever seen him do so much reading in one stretch ever. I loved it! He seemed to like the book, even though he was feeling miserable. He seemed to be doing better on Saturday when he helped his dad with some errands and did some volunteer organizing jobs around our house. What a kid!

Saturday night we got a treat as my sister, Maggie, and her family stopped by! They were picking up Emily from the Provo airport so we had them over for dinner. It was fun to see them! Megan and Ammon and Sarah came over, too. We had hamburgers and a great visit!

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