Sunday, May 28, 2023

It was the last week of school for Beth and Ben! 

Bethany went to Lagoon with all the other junior high schoolers on Wednesday and had a great time! She loves the roller coasters. The junior high goes the last week of school every year but Beth's first year of junior high, COVID shut everything down, and the second year we took the kids out of school early to go to New York. So we are really glad she got to go this year! She was really glad, too!

Ben's middle school had a field day, but Ben had a bad cold all week, so I don't think he enjoyed it too much! They both got year books, though, and are both thrilled to be done with school for the next few months. These pictures are from today so they are in their Sunday clothes, but for posterity, this is how they looked at the end of 9th grade for Beth and the end of 7th grade for Benjamin.

To celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, Ben read two books to earn a campout on the trampoline for him and his friends. This included Beth, Claire, Annaliese, Max, and Kyler. They had all been planning it for awhile and they had a great time. The boys slept on the tramp and the girls on the balcony. They played games, watched a movie, and did a lot of talking. Since almost all of that group live practically next door, some didn't go home until the next night when it was time for bed. Crazy kids! Fun times!

Ben, Max, Kyler enjoying some pizza.

My older kids are pretty cute, too, and one of the super cute things they did this week was go out for ice cream together! Avery went, too, and reportedly walked along the table stooping down at each sister for bites of ice cream. She is a queen in her own kingdom that one is! But I love that my daughters love to be together and do stuff together!

Mariah started working at Earth Harbor this week and likes being with her sisters. She also has been working on her online classes. That she doesn't like quite so much! Ha ha! She went to the South Jordan temple last night to be there when one of her friends took out her endowment and she was in awe about how big and beautiful it is!

Cali is busy with her classes. She also got together with her FHE sisters from her freshman year early in the week, and later in the week she hiked Khev Peak (previously Squaw Peak) with Jordan, Matthew, and Abby.

Cheye is still working at Heritage and bouncing back between Orem and Springville. She went on a couple of fun dates this week and is still enjoying the social life at Wolverine Crossing while still doing fun things with her sisters!

Savannah is working and trying to keep her energy up enough to be able to help in both places. She's had some low energy days this week. We will hope for more energy this coming week!

I went to the LDS Home Educators conference this week as a vendor selling my books. I was just there on Wednesday, but I had a lot of positive response and it was a fun place to be. I sold five full sets of children books and four copies of my YA, Make the Journey. I also went on some lovely walks on our mountain path this week. Look how gorgeous the world is right now!

These are Sego Lillies. Remember the stories of pioneers eating the roots to survive? They are in bloom right now.

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