Sunday, December 12, 2021

On Monday, Mariah called and told us that she will be going to Manhattan for her last transfer! She had a great last week in Lynbrook. As always, it was great to talk with her! Afterwards, our neighbor hosted a cookie exchange. Cali and Cheyenne were working basketball games, but Kevin and I and Beth and Ben had a great time visiting with our neighbors!

On Tuesday, Chey and Cali had a piano recital! They each played solo pieces and then they played a duet of "What Child is This" together. They played beautifully. Beth and Ben couldn't be there because of karate, but Kevin and I and Grandma Gazdik enjoyed it very much. Afterwards, I went to Circles.

On Wednesday, Bethany had a band concert! This is her second year in band playing baritone. They played some Christmas medleys and finished with "Funkytown." Cali, Richmond, Cheyenne, Sarah, McKay, Kevin, and I had great fun listening to her play!

On Thursday, we had our ward Christmas party! With other young women leaders, I helped decorate in the morning. In the evening we ate smoked turkey and potatoes and stuffing, rolls, salad, and deserts. We listened to the primary children sing. The bishop told us he loved us and wished us a Merry Christmas. The best part was visiting with friends and neighbors. We missed not having it last year!

Also on Thursday, it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed! I shoveled the driveway and decided we really should get a snow blower! Why, in this age of technology, am I injuring my back to clear 20 bazillion pound snow with a SHOVEL?? :) Enough ranting. It is very pretty snow and beautiful to look out my window!

Also on Thursday, Kevin and I got to go to the temple. It's much harder to go now that you have to schedule a time. We scheduled this time weeks ago. It was so lovely to be there.

On Friday, we rested from Thursday. Haha, just kidding. I started putting together the new dresser we got for Bethany (finished with Kevin on Saturday). Cheyenne took the Front Runner up to see Jens. Cali worked at Funfinity in the evening and then she and I went to Walmart looking for Christmas sweaters. Savannah worked in the morning and then had a white elephant gift exchange with her friends in the evening. Beth and Ben had their own gift exchange with their "neighbor family" which includes themselves, Claire, Annaliese, and Max.

We also discovered on Friday that McDonald's is excited about Mariah coming home next month and has found its own way to celebrate!

On Saturday, Cali and Cheyenne had another city rec basketball game. Kevin coaches them and they all did great! Beth and Ben came with me to watch. Afterwards, the twins stayed to work book and clock for the later games. Bethany went to another gift exchange, this time with friends from school. I finished the dresser and did the iron-ons for Cali's Christmas sweatshirts. She needed them for the Christmas dance that she went to with Richmond that night! Cheyenne didn't go to the dance but did go out with a guy friend from school. 

In the afternoon, Kevin took pregnancy pictures of Sarah and McKay and afterwards we did a little  "house hunting." The prices on houses are super high but it is still exciting to think of getting their own place. In the evening, Kevin made us hamburgers. Beth and Ben hung out playing Minecraft with Max and Claire. Kevin and I tried to find a good show to watch. Savannah stuck her head in to say hello when she got back from work.

A week in the life of our family! Oh! And last Sunday we decorated the tree!

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