Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ben had his last activity with Activity Days this week. I can't believe he is joining the youth in January! It will be so fun to have all four of my younger kids at the activities for a few months. For their last activity, they had pizza and watched 17 Miracles. Ben also had karate this week, but also got invited over to Max's house for graham cracker house making and on another night, popcorn ball making.

Bethany is on season 8 of Survivor. It is her new favorite show! She also had karate and went to Max's for activities. This week the activity for the church youth was Christmas caroling. They sat on hay bales on a trailer attached to a truck and drove singing through the neighborhood. We stopped at some houses to deliver fruit baskets. They got very cold but had a great time! She also exchanged gifts with friends from school.

Calianne worked at Funfinity and started fighting a cold. Cheyenne worked at city rec basketball games and also started fighting a cold. Cheyenne got to go caroling with the youth, but Cali had to work. They both had a white elephant gift exchange with "the flamingos" on Saturday night. Chey now has a new card game and Cali has a fish! Cheyenne got a new job with an assisted living center here in Springville using her new CNA skills! Her first day was pretty stressful, but she thinks she will like it!

Savannah worked at Funfinity and played Dungeons and Dragons with Kirk on Friday night. Today, she is fighting a cold! Drat those colds!

On Saturday, Sarah decided it would be fun to have a family Christmas party making salt-dough ornaments and sugar cookies. None of our husbands could make it, but the rest of us had a great time! We listened to Christmas music and made yummy and beautiful things and laughed a lot. What a great idea, Sarah!

Today (Sunday) in church, Cali and Cheyenne played a "What Child is This" duet on the piano and did great! Also, Mandy spent the day with us before the twins and I drove her to the airport. It was fun to have her and visit! Tonight, Megan and Ammon and Sarah came over and we watched "The Forgotten Carols." We sure do like that show! It's a Christmas tradition and we love it!

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