Sunday, February 18, 2018

This week was Savannah's birthday!  She turned 22! We had a birthday dinner for her on Sunday night at our house with Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik.  She opened presents and blew out 22 candles.  Yay!

On her actual birthday, which was Tuesday, we met her and Megan at Brick Oven.  Sarah was working there, so we managed to include her.  Mariah had just finished a basketball game in Heber, so she couldn't make it.  Grandma Gazdik came, though!  It was late, so the four youngest and I had already eaten.  We had root beer floats while the others had pizza sampler.  They let Sarah take a break and sang to Savannah and took our picture.  Fun times!  We love that Savannah girl and are so glad we got to be with her this year on her birthday!!

Sarah did her two-job thing all week!  Her dad set her up on a lunch date Saturday.  She had fun but decided it probably wouldn't turn into anything more.  On Monday she stayed home and put together the bookcase and dresser we bought at IKEA the week before.  I was so glad I didn't have to do it!

Megan is dating a fun boy named, Ammon.  We knew she had a fun time with him and felt really comfortable with him but we were all amazed when he talked her into going to Cali and Chey's basketball game with him dressed as a gorilla and her dressed as a banana!!  It was so funny!  What a good sport she was!  I am, however, not allowed to post the picture so I will leave it to your imaginations!

Mariah had her last regular-season basketball game on Tuesday in Heber.  It was a close game but they ended up losing by 3.  Because of that, their record tied with another team in their region and they had to play a play-in game on Thursday.  Never fear!  They won that one by 12!  So, they will start state games tomorrow.  Here are some basketball pictures to get you in the mood:

She also went to the Sweetheart's Dance on Saturday night with a boy named Jake.  Their group had a lot of fun having dinner, going to the dance, and then playing games.  She had a good time!

Cali and Chey had their last Springville Rec basketball game this week.  They actually had a basketball game Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday--two Bantam games and two Springville games.  Crazy!  They love it, though even when they have to leave play rehearsal in order to be there (which only happened once!).

Bethany had a game this week and she and her teammates had a ton of fun!  She also had karate and piano and sewing.  On Saturday she got to go to a birthday party.  Fun times!

Benjamin had karate and guitar and school and still managed to build many extremely cool things in Minecraft and make his sister, Bethany, very mad when he flooded her entire city.  Apparently, that's a pretty fun thing to do in Minecraft (if you're the flooder, not if you're the floodee).

I got to go to a writing conference this weekend, Thursday-Saturday.  So. Much. Fun.  I learned a ton and got ideas for my novel and got to see lots of authors I have read and find out what they're like and what they think about writing.  It was like a little bit of heaven.  Happy sigh.  When I got back, I went hiking.

Kevin and I went to our old ward for a farewell and while there, we got a picture of the current bishop with the last three bishops.  Good men, but I like the one second from the right best of all!

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