Sunday, February 4, 2018

Mariah had two games this week.  They had a decisive win over Mapleton on Tuesday.  This is our arch-rival so it made everyone deliriously happy.  On Friday they played Skyridge who will probably be region champs and just barely lost in overtime.  This made everyone deliriously sad.  :(  She also went with Sarah and Megan to a BYU Men's tennis match on Saturday  and watched a movie and ate muddy buddies with Meg at our house Saturday night.  I think that was comfort for her soul.

Chey and Cali had play rehearsals and piano lessons and basketball.  They lost a Springville rec game this week to their friends but had a great time playing.  They also lost their Bantam game Saturday night but felt really good about their play.  They are playing great.

Bethany had two basketball games this week.  She and her teammates are playing good defense and shooting some baskets and all around having a good time at the games.  That makes this coach happy.  She also had karate and piano lessons.  Then on Friday she had her sewing class.  Afterward, her friend in the ward, Eden, who is in the sewing class invited most of the class to her house for a fun girls' night.  So much fun!

Benjamin had karate this week and a late night with Devon at our house Friday night.  We had guitar lessons together on Saturday and then he got invited to play with an old friend, Mason, whose grandparents are in our new ward.  Fun times!

Sarah substituted Mon-Thu and worked at Brick Oven MWFSat nights.  It's a lot of hours but she is (most of the time) happy to be busy!  On Tuesday night she went to Mariah's game with us and on Thursday night she actually covered someone's shift for a few hours back at Brick Oven.  Saturday afternoon she went to that tennis match with Meg and Mariah.

Megan and Savannah continue to grapple with their college classes and all the stress that involves.  We've seen both of them back home this week so that's been fun.

Kevin left town Thursday after a brief TV appearance on Good Things Utah and has been in Arizona ever since teaching.  We are excited to see him again today!

I have rewritten the first chapter for my new novel 47 times this past week in anticipation of the deadline for a first chapter contest I'm entering next week.  If it were on paper, I'd burn it and watch with great peace and calm as the ashes floated away on the wind.  It's on my computer, though, so I guess I will continue to fight the good fight.  Oh, I also took some time off and hiked Round Peak.  Sadie and I had a great time.  I left from my front door.  It was pretty awesome.

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