Sunday, February 25, 2018

Mariah played in the state tournament this week.  Their first game was Monday and they won!!  Such happy girls.  They proved just how far they had come.  They played again on Wednesday and lost in that second round.  Mariah is not so much distraught about the loss of the title as she is with the loss of two hours of basketball everyday.  She loves basketball!  I just roll my eyes at her.  It's not like she won't still play basketball.  And she has.  Everyday.  Silly girl.  She also went to her first day of track practice.  She asked me again why she always feels so tired? Hmmm, let me think. . .

Cali and Chey transitioned to play rehearsals until 6pm everyday this week.  Yikes!  They're not in all the scenes so even though they're there for a long time, I don't think it's been too intense.  They're having fun.  They even had "The Longest Day" rehearsal on Saturday which was 9 to 4 and survived just fine!  We can't wait to see them perform next week!  And look what they can do (although, apparently only with their eyes closed--!

Bethany had activity days and karate and piano and her last Springville basketball game!  She played great, and her mom-coach made her team the traditional giant cookie for end-of-season celebrating.  It was a fun time!

Benjamin had karate and guitar lessons.  He also played with his friend Niko during the week and Caleb on Saturday.  We've had a TON of snow so he even managed to do a little sledding and snow-fort building, but not too much because it's so COLD!

The view is pretty great still!

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