Sunday, March 10, 2013

On Monday of this week, Kevin made the switch to his new office.  He will be the clinical director for a office that is opening in Lindon and will be specifically helping the wives of men with pornography addictions.  He was sad to leave his Springville office with his 5 minute commute and lunches at home with his wife and two preschoolers.  It was very nice.  I will miss all that, too!  Hopefully this new business opportunity will turn out to be well worth it!  His new office is very chic, if that counts for anything.  Savannah had to work Monday evening, but the rest of us helped him move things from his old office into his new.  Whenever we're all involved, we make it tons of fun, so we didn't mind.  Plus, we love our dad like crazy!

I taught preschool on Monday and Wednesday mornings this week.  We did "Hey Diddle Diddle!"  It was great fun.  The kids have all finished learning their capitals and are starting on their lowercase.  They are also doing great on their phoneme awareness.  Impressive right?  Even more impressive that I can even use the word phoneme and know what it means!

The twins had tennis on Tuesday and Saturday and Sarah and Megan had tennis on Wednesday and Saturday.  Kevin and I went to the temple on Wednesday night, so Savannah drove them to the courts.  We were so grateful for her help!  What a great skill driving is -- even better than tennis!

On Thursday of this week, Savannah got to watch her bridge break!  Even though she is in Chemistry this year, she was offered extra credit for building a bridge that could withstand at least 200 lbs.  She started working on it a couple of weeks ago with Grandpa Jim.  They spent many an afternoon/evening making it as nice as they could with the balsa wood and glue they had been provided.  Grandpa came to the high school to watch the big moment.  Drum roll please . . . 850 lbs!  Nice job, right?  Yay for extra credit and helpful grandpas!

The weather FINALLY got warmer this week.  I don't even have energy to holler -- just let out a sigh and be grateful that spring really might come again!  So, I fixed Beth's and Ben's bikes and we took to the sidewalks!  Beth is trying to learn to ride a two-wheeler so I held onto her waist while she rode up and down the street all the while yelling, "I'm doing it!!  I'm riding a bike!!"  Yes, little miss, you are not quite there, yet, but hopefully you will be soon!  :)

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