Sunday, March 24, 2013

It's been a busy week, but fun!  I had to change Megan's tennis time since track has started.  She and her friend already paid for 5 weeks, so it wasn't like we could just quit.  Still, it has been hard for Megan to be in three sports at once and for me to have to drive to the Spanish Fork tennis courts for not just two classes twice a week, but three classes twice a week.  Grrr.  I do not like craziness.  Thank goodness for carpooling!  It worked out just fine, actually.  Beth and Ben even had a nice time when we had to wait for Chey and Cali during one of their classes.  We went across the bridge and threw rocks in the stream and just generally had a good time enjoying the warm weather!

Savannah worked Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday this week and had her last ACT prep class Saturday morning.  She is going to be very happy to have her Saturday mornings back!  She feels like she learned a lot, though, so that is good!

Sarah enjoyed tennis this week as well as rereading Harry Potter.  She also had her first driving lesson with Dad this week and she drove us to and from church today!  She is doing great.  She and Savannah and Mariah also went to a thrift store/food kitchen in Spanish Fork on Tuesday to help out as their church activity.  They really enjoyed that.

Megan had track practice everyday after school, basketball practice on Tuesday and Friday, and tennis on Monday and Thursday.  Crazy right?  She seemed to enjoy all of it, though.  She is a pretty sporty girl.  On Wednesday she had her violin lesson, too.  I guess it's better than being bored!

Mariah had basketball on Tuesday and Friday.  She also has choir before school on Tuesdays and student council before school on Fridays.  She and I had the great "fun" of going to Maturation together at the school on Friday.  Regardless of the subject matter, it was great fun to be with Mariah at school anyway!

Cheyenne had tennis Tuesday and Wednesday and piano lessons before school on Thursday.  She has a sore throat today that is making her very sad.

Calianne also had tennis on Tuesday and Wednesday and piano lessons before school on Thursday.  We watched Wild Hearts Can't be Broken on Saturday night and Cali went to bed in tears.  Even if she didn't die, she could have, and so she should not have tried to dive a horse while she was blind!  It was too scary for tender-hearted Calianne!

Bethany had ballet on Tuesday and preschool on Wednesday and Friday.  On Thursday she and Ben got to go to Grandma's house again.  Grandma has been sick the last couple of weeks and they have missed her fiercely!  They were so excited to go to her house again.  When I came to get them, they had fallen asleep in her lap while reading books.  It was so sweet!

Benjamin got mad at me this week and said, "Mom Skinner!"  It was so funny.  He has bitten Bethany a few times this week.  It is a new thing.  I think it surprised him how much it hurt Beth and how much trouble he got in.  Hopefully he can control himself.  I know he wants to.  Whenever he brings Beth to tears, he turns to me in desperation and says, "I said sorry, Mommy!  I said sorry!" -- even before he actually does say sorry.  We'll get it all figured out eventually I am sure.

On Saturday, Kevin's March leagues finished up.  Both of his teams had two games a piece!  Megan had games at noon and 2.  Mariah's team had games at 3 and 5.  Kevin was there almost all day!  Poor guy.  Actually, I think he had a pretty good time.  He really enjoys coaching his girls.  Megan and Mariah both had fun, too.  They have both really learned a lot from playing in this league where the competition is significantly more fierce.  It's fun to see them improve so much!

On Saturday night, we tried a new way to curl hair that Megan had found on the internet.  It involved twisting the long hair up into a headband.  Bethany asked if she looked like a princess.  We said, "Yes!  An Indian princess!"  She was delighted and insisted that she needed a feather.  She was Tiger Lily for the rest of the night.  She does make a lovely Indian princess. . .

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