Monday, March 18, 2013

Look what I made!!  Yes, that is a St. Patrick's Day apple pie.  I used green food coloring in my canned apple pie filling.  Aren't I just so clever?  I'm still just so pleased with myself, as you can see.  It was really yummy to eat, too!  Even Calianne liked it.  !!!  Success in the kitchen!

This week Sarah, Megan, Cheyenne, and Calianne had tennis on Monday and Tuesday since the courts would be closed the rest of the week.  They really like these groups and have been having lots of fun with them.

Track started for Megan this week.  She missed Monday and Tuesday because of tennis, but went on Wednesday and Thursday and then ran on her own on Friday!  She is really excited about track.  It will be fun to see her race.

On Wednesday, Sarah's choir concert was a series of talent performances from small groups in the choir.  Sarah didn't want to sing solo or duet or any other small group, so she opted for a piano solo.  She played Jessica's Theme from Man from Snowy River and she did awesome!  We were all so proud of her.  I was especially proud of her because their teacher while at first making participation mandatory, later changed it to optional, and Sarah still decided she wanted to be a part of it.  That's a scary thing, but afterwards feels so good!  Sarah is smart like that.

On Thursday, they had a clinic to get vaccinations at a local school.  So I took the opportunity to take Mariah who will be starting Junior High next year and needs shots, and Bethany who will be starting kindergarten next year (yes!  My little Bethany!) and also needs shots.  We got them all done and then I got Bethany registered for kindergarten since that was the same day.  Beth was very excited to get her shots.  She asked, "So does everyone who gets shots get to paint?"  Huh?  This confused me until I figured out that she was looking forward to kindergarten because she heard she gets to paint and she knew she had to get shots to go to kindergarten.  She is so cute!  She was very, very brave and did not cry and I know it hurt!  Of course, she thought she could go to kindergarten the next day.  That is always so hard to explain to your prospective kindergarteners!  Anyway, Mariah and Beth have had matching sore shoulders for the last few days.

No school on Friday!!  Early Friday morning, Sarah and I headed to the DMV to see if we could get her learner's permit.  She passed the test on the second try!  Kevin took her out driving for the first time on Saturday.  We are ready for driver's ed starting April 8th!

Later on Friday, I drove Megan, Mariah, Cheyenne, Calianne, and CC's friend Karlee to the roller skating rink.  They won free tickets from their recent school read-a-thon.  They got to skate for over two hours and I only had to pay $1 each for skate rental.  What a deal!  They were very slow at first and I hear they fell down a LOT, but they got the hang of it.  It's fun to go to the roller rink!

On Saturday morning, Mariah had an 8am basketball game which they won and she played with Megan in Megan's 10am basketball game.  They lost that one but they put up a very good fight and learned a lot about
breaking a press.  I was proud of them.

We've had really nice weather again this week.  Kevin got the trailer and cleared out the branches that had fallen into our yard this winter.  Ben was his eager helper grabbing the extra rake and doing everything he saw his dad do.  It was super cute!  Later, I got the bike trailer put back together and I took Ben on a bike ride.  We had fun together, too!

Bethany probably would have come, but she was playing with her friend, Macie all day!

Saturday evening Sarah and Megan went to the church dance.  Sarah thought it was great.  Megan did not.  She didn't really feel well, though.  And dances are like that sometimes.

I hope you all had a happy St. Pat's Day!

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