Ben got to go on a YM campout this weekend! It was actually in a cabin so no worries about trying to stay warm in a tent or snow caves or craziness such as that. Ha ha! There was snow at the cabin and the plan was to have the boys sled and snowboard, etc. Ben reported that our sled (much dented from the rocky mountain slopes near our house) would not go down a hill with the kind of snow they had so he didn't sled much. He did however very much enjoy the snow mobiles. He also reports doing some reading and he enjoyed playing UNO with the leaders. Fun times! He also had karate and tennis and guitar this week and he played lots of chess games.
Bethany had her follow-up MRI this week. Fun times! We will see her neurologist next week but preliminary analysis looks good. Beth also had a ukulele concert this week which was fun to watch. She also performed some numbers with the Newsie's cast during an assembly this week. That one she had a lot of fun doing. School went pretty well and she got some catch-up work done which was a bonus. She's still feeling tired always and sick often. Poor kid. Somehow she keeps pushing on.
Mariah came home this week for Christmas break! Yay!! She came home Thursday and we loved giving her lots of hugs. On Saturday, she needed to coach her last games as a volunteer coach for the little boys of Hurricane. She is a dedicated coach and she sure has loved it! Kevin drove with her down to St. George and back on Saturday. Fun times!
Savannah and Sarah have been hard at work planning a surprise birthday party for Megan. Meg will be gone on a trip with Ammon's family throughout the holidays so she won't be with us for her birthday. Something had to be done! The event Savannah and Sarah planned was so fun. Sarah, McKay, Megan, and Ammon went out to eat together first. When they were done, Savannah and Beth showed up and sent them on a scavenger hunt/escape room quest. Savannah's clues had them going all over Springville (Reams, Funfinity, the church) until they showed up back at our house. Megan's friends were waiting downstairs to yell surprise and help her with the final clue which unlocked the trunk wherein her presents were hid. Fun, right?? Afterwards they ate cheesecake (my contribution) and played games. Savannah and Sarah worked really hard on it. Mariah was able to help some too when she was home. Fun times!
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