Monday, November 13, 2023

Beth's play started this week! She had late rehearsals Monday through Wednesday. Performances started on Thursday. Kevin, Ben, Savannah, Mariah, and I went to see it on Saturday! We loved it! Especially we loved seeing Beth singing and dancing on stage. She does such a good job and is obviously having so much fun! She has been pretty tired all week and not much homework has been caught up on, but she is loving doing the play and we are happy that she can create those memories.

Ben went to karate and tennis this week. He found a buried trash can in the wilderness behind our house and decided to dig it out. He went to guitar lessons and even practiced a couple of times. I think I got him to practice Chinese a couple of times, too. He is still playing a lot of chess, Rise of Nations, Connect Four, and Minecraft.

Savannah is still liking her job even if it is very tiring and makes her feet hurt! She has made a group of friends there so that is fun and now that she is more familiar with the process, she can listen to music and books while she works! We like having her around in the evenings and on Saturdays!

Kevin taught for IITAP this week. On Thursday he drove to Park City to participate in a conference for school superintendents. He also did bishop stuff. FHE was charades at the loft and we had a fun time watching the kids act stuff out. In his free time, he continues to develop new online classes and resources to enhance relationships. He's always doing something!

I worked on my class and also enjoyed some training and meetings for the job I'll start in December. I'm learning about some clients that I will start to work with and I'm excited to start helping! I've been walking three mornings a week even when it's rainy. I love the fall colors and the beautiful place that I live.

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