Sunday, October 15, 2023

On Monday, Beth and I drove to Salt Lake City for a follow-up appointment with the ENT, Dr. Alt. After some mixups, we were able to see the doc. He did a scope of her nose and said that everything looked really great. Beth's body went into a little shock, I think, because I barely got her to the car and it took her all of the ride home to get back to being ok. So, we missed all of school that day. Tuesday, Beth went to school 3rd and 4th periods and then watched the Newsies rehearsal. She did really well but was wiped out when she got home. Wednesday she tried to go to school at the beginning of the day. She made it through 1st, 2nd, and lunch, but texted me close to the beginning of 3rd to bring her home. I think it was because her friend wanted to "walk around" during lunch and Beth didn't know how to tell her no. Thursday she felt well enough to go after sleeping in so she made it to 3rd and 4th. The day may have gone better but in child development they watched childbirth movies which can make even healthy people feel woozy. Of all the days she could've missed! Friday, we really wanted her to go to Chemistry which is first period. Still, it wore her out and she was home after seminary (which is second). So, going back to school has been spotty this week. Next week is fall break so maybe she can gain some strength back without missing more assignments and getting further behind. I wonder what it says about me that I find this the most stressful part. Maybe I put too much emphasis on school. Deep breaths. Everything really will turn out fine. (!!!)

Avery can still make Bethany smile!

Benjamin had his last week of cross country this week! He ran varsity for the district meet on Friday. He placed fifth for his team and tenth overall. He even got a medal. It was pretty cool! Good job, Ben!

On Saturday, Beth and Ben had a karate tournament. Bethany has not been back to karate since surgery and you know how school has been going. But, the sensei said she could help judge instead, so that was what she did. She did well with that until she had to stand for kumite scoring. It's hard to watch her be so tired. Ben did really well! He placed second in forms and first in kumite. It was fun to watch him. It was cool to see both Beth and Ben in their matching uniforms.

I cut my hair this week! I had them cut off everything that was colored and leave just the grey. So! My hair is super short. I like it, though. I also have been working on school--finished a class and started a new one this week. And I went to a training on couples counseling for the field experience hours I will start in December. I'm excited about that.

Kevin has been wanting to launch new product to customers at Bloom and finally has the go ahead from his company to do it so he is excited about that. He also taught at a conference in Salt Lake City on Friday. He is enjoying working with the YSA ward. We had a dinner on Monday night for FHE and had a great time talking to lots of ward members.

Savannah helped Funfinity with a conference in Heber City on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The rest of the week she did what she could to help the store get ready for Christmas. It should be her last week! She starts working for Beehive Clothing next week. Here's hoping it turns into something she can love like Funfinity.

Also, there's lots of fall colors in the mountains and it makes for great walks.

AND we saw the eclipse and it was really cool.

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