Sunday, October 8, 2023

Beth is working hard on recovering. Her first few days home she was able to do a little homework everyday and see some friends. Wednesday night she really wanted to go to Young Womens. It was supposed to be a 5 minute hike and it ended up being more strenuous than that. Beth came home exhausted and Thursday was a horrible day for her. She said she hadn't felt that bad since she first woke up from surgery. It was a hard setback since we were hoping she could try a little school on Thursday. Instead, she hasn't even been able to do homework since Wednesday. Still, she is a little stronger each day since then and today she is looking good. She even bore her testimony in church on the power of prayer and how she could feel the prayers of others comforting her in the hospital. That's pretty great.

Ben had a cross country meet on Friday at Salem Jr. High. He did great! He finished 4th on his team and 7th overall. He really is loving being on a team and pushing himself hard.

All the boys prayed together before the meet. They are pretty cool kids!

On Saturday, Mariah had a cross country meet in Cedar City. Since it was so close, we just had to go! Kevin and I an Beth and Ben went down for the day. It's a beautiful setting for a race on a golf course with the mountains in the background. This is the third time I've been there for it and it's the best Mariah has ever run it! She placed 3rd on her team and beat her last year's time by over a minute! She did so great!

Ben brought his running shoes so he could run a cool-down with Mariah afterwards. We also got to meet up with my sister, Maggie, Rick, Liz, and Matt. It was so fun to see all of them! We went to Keith's farmer's market afterward and then to Jimmy John's for some lunch. Afterwards, Mariah didn't want us to leave and she also had an itching to see some fall colors so we drove up Cedar Canyon to an overlook of Navajo Lake. It was simply gorgeous! The best part, though, was seeing Mariah. We love that girl.

I went to FHE with our YSA ward on Monday and played a nearly impossible game of General Conference Jeopardy. This week I also went to the dentist and to a staff meeting for the clinic where I will work in December and on a hike with Robin.

Kevin continues to work on various projects to bring in money and help people in their relationships. He goes into Provo once or twice a week in the evenings for his new calling as bishop of the YSA ward. On Friday night our stake president hosted a dinner for the bishops and we attended and had a fun time.

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