Sunday, July 24, 2022

My mom came to visit this week and I didn't take even one picture of her! She needs to come back!! Plus, we had a great visit and everyone loves it when she comes, so that's a good reason to come back, too.

Bethany had the last performance of her play on Monday night. Since Sarah and McKay hadn't seen it yet, I watched Avery. Then Megan, Ammon, Sarah, McKay, Savannah, Kevin, and Grandma all saw it together. They all really liked it! Of course, because Bethany is amazing! She had a great time doing the play and I'm glad she had a chance to participate in such a fun summertime activity. And how fun that she had so much family to watch her on her last night!

For the rest of the week, we all got lots of opportunities to visit with Grandma. While she was here, she got things moving on Cali and Cheyenne's graduation t-shirt quilts. Now that Savannah is trained, Savannah is able to help! They got one full quilt done (except for the clipping)! Then Grandma left some stuff for Savannah to do and she took some stuff home. Those quilts are a lot of work but the kids sure treasure them. Thanks Grandma!

We did do some fun stuff, too. We watched Top Gun on Tuesday night and You've Got Mail on Friday night. Also on Friday, Kevin and I took Grandma out to eat for Indian food. Yum! Sarah brought Avery over to visit with us while we sewed a couple of times, and on Thursday night, Megan and Ammon and Mariah and Kolby came to dinner and we had a good time visiting during and afterwards!

Ben had some friends over on Tuesday and Beth got together with friends a few times this week, too. On Friday, Beth, Ben, Cali, and Chey went to Splash Summit for a couple of hours! There was no karate this week, but I continue my quest to get B&B reading more. This week that mostly took the form of taking their phone and handing them a book. Over and over again. Ha ha!

Kevin's had a bad cold this week but still needed to teach his IITAP class this weekend. He soldiered through and is glad to be done! As Elder's Quorum president, he organized a ward breakfast Saturday morning to partly commemorate Pioneer Day. He did a great job and it was a success with lots of yummy pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs! What a busy guy doing lots of great things.

Cali and Chey both had a lot of shifts at their respective jobs this week. They still managed to find time to visit with grandma, do some reading, and get in some socializing, too! They are good kids and we sure are going to miss them when they go to college next month.

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