Monday, May 31, 2021

 It was the last week of school! It was Ben’s last week of elementary school ever! And, by extension, mine! How crazy is that? Ben really enjoyed Sage Creek Elementary, so, while he is excited for middle school next year, he is also sad to see these years come to a close. I suppose that is how it should be. Because of COVID, his school didn’t do a lot of the end of year activities they usually do, but they did have field day and a Harry Potter movie party and a read-in and an in-class graduation party that included pizza! Fun times!

We think that certificate says that he won
"Most Improved" in Chinese this year!

The biggest excitement for Bethany during the last week of school as a 7th grader at the junior high was getting her yearbook! She had great fun getting it signed by friends and making plans for the summer. She and Ben also had karate two times this week, but otherwise they played outside more with Max and the Mila’s because the weather was so nice! Also, on Wednesday, she and I got to go with other kids from our church to do baptisms at the temple. I couldn't stop smiling!

Cali and Chey only attended school until Wednesday when the seniors officially graduated. The high school didn’t provide much in the way of end-of-year fun, so they made their own! They watched Pride and Prejudice with their girlfriends, they had a muffin exchange with games with their whole group, they played ultimate Frisbee at the park, and they got their first official hours in for summer tennis practice (they’ve got to reach the 100 hour challenge again, of course!). They had a busy week, but in the way they like to busy!

On Friday, within hours of getting out of school, we got in the van with Savannah, Chey, Cali, Beth, and Ben, picked up Sarah and McKay, and headed to Las Vegas! Two of my nieces graduated high school and we were invited to a picnic/party to celebrate. Even better, my brother, Dave, flew in from Florida and my sister, Diane and her family flew in from Missouri. For a few hours, it was a complete family reunion!!! We were only missing four people out of . . . A lot!! It was super fun to see everyone. I wish we could have spent more time together, but it was still really a good thing.

On Saturday, those of us who arrived early, the Gillespie’s and the Skinner’s, met with the Rich’s at a local pool to swim. 

That night, after Diane and Dave flew in, we met at a park and had a birthday party for the very youngest cousin. Diane’s Jocelyn turned three!

On Sunday, we met at a park for the graduation party and that’s when everyone was there! Great times!

All the cousins!

All the everybody!

The family that started it all.

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