Sunday, December 29, 2019

We started the week by celebrating Megan's birthday. Happy Birthday, Megan! We were so glad she was home with us and I think she was glad, too. We played a game and had lasagna for dinner and opened presents and put candles in her cheesecake. Sarah and McKay even made it back for the dinner so we were ALL TOGETHER! It was fabulous.

That was on Sunday and on Tuesday, it was Christmas Eve! In the morning, we watched Sarah and McKay open their wedding presents. People are so wonderful and generous, it was lovely to see! That night we came back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for our traditional candlelight dinner. Afterwards, and part of the tradition, we watched the kids perform skits (including the Nativity), played the pipe bells, had a musical recital, and opened presents from Grandma and Grandpa. A good time was had by all.

New jackets from Grandma and the "gangster" pose!

The next morning was Christmas Day! McKay and Sarah slept over at our house so they could be a part of the festivities. We opened presents from Santa, had French toast breakfast, and then opened more presents. Then, because it snowed, we all went out and made the world's tallest snowman and lots of other ones to keep him company. That afternoon we had a nice ham dinner when Grandma and Grandpa came over. It was a great day!

Tie from Singapore!

Matching Avatar shirts from Savannah

This is the girl who prayed for our snow!

The next day, we still hadn't had enough of each other, so we met at the gym and had a family basketball game! EVERYONE played (at least a little!) and Grandma even came and watched.

The day after that, we got together again! This time to go out to eat together (Grandpa Skinner's gift to us) and then to go to the bookstore where everyone got to pick out a book (Grandma and Grandpa Elton's gift to us)!

What day was that? I don't know. We lost all count of days! But yesterday, which was Saturday, the family finally got Meg caught up on her Marvel movies and the lucky girl got to watch Infinity War and End Game back to back! That night, Sarah and McKay came over for pizza and some Jackbox games.

So, it was a super fun week full of family activities. What a lucky group of people are we! And I do not say that lightly. This week was a blessing for all of us and filled our hearts right up. I'm so grateful for the love that abounds in our home at Christmas time and all year!

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