Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sarah worked her two jobs this week and stayed up late and got very little sleep.

Megan played three hours of tennis on Monday with Alyssa and went on her best date ever on Thursday when she hiked Stewart Falls with a boy she met at EFY and who came down from Logan to hike with her!

Mariah shot 1500 free throws this week and ran 29 miles. She got Savannahs stuff all moved into her room and it looks lovely.

Cali and Chey read, played with friends, and ran their girls day camp. 

Beth played with friends, had fun, stuff like that.

Ben doesn't know what he did last week. But I saw him play a lot with Bethany and more or less drive them all crazy. 

I went on another hike with my friends. This time to Battlecreek Falls. It was a short hike but beautiful!

On Saturday Kevin and I packed up half the house and all the kids and drove north to Coulter Bay in Grand Teton National Park. We met Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik who are already camping here. It's beautiful and cool and Kevin is in heaven! We are all really enjoying it too!

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