Sunday, March 23, 2014

We started the week with St. Patrick's Day!  Everybody wore green and we had green-lime frappe after dinner.  It was pretty fun but uneventful.

Sarah, Cali, Chey, and myself all had tennis this week.  Beth had ballet. Megan had fiddle lessons.  Sarah, Mariah, Cali, and Cheye, had piano lessons. Cali and Chey made books at craft club.

Thursday night was the Republican caucus in Springville.  Savannah went to her very first caucus!  She and I got to be the ballot counters.  Megan and her friend got to help direct people in the hall.  We all felt very politically savvy!

There was no school on Friday as it was the end of third term on Thursday.  So, Friday morning, I took Megan over to the DMV to see if we could get her learner's permit.  We did!  She took the test twice and managed to pass it. She is pretty excited!

After we got back, I drove Sarah and her friend, Allyson, out to Payson for a day of tennis.  Craig, who runs all the tennis groups, put together a tournament for his students.  She got to play two pro matches -- each match took an hour and a half to play.  She had great fun.  She won her first match, but lost her second in a tie-breaker.  She is playing really well and really having fun with it!

After I dropped off Sarah, I came home and scooped up the rest of the kids (with the exception of Savannah who had already left to see the movie, Divergent, with her friends).  I dropped Megan and her friend, Hannah, off at the mall, and took Mariah, Cheye, Cali, Bethany, and Ben to Classic Skating in Orem.  Ben had a great time riding his scooter around the rink.  Beth used skates with a toddler walker.  Cheye and Cali brought roller blades from home, and Mariah used roller skates.  They had a great time!  They were also having a deal where the kids got to play in the bounce houses and indoor playground, as well.  It was great fun.

We lost track of Ben at one point and this is where we found him!

That night, Kevin and I drove up to Salt Lake City where the organizers for the UCAP (Utah Coalition Against Pornography) Conference had invited all the presenters for a dinner at Little America.  Since Kevin was a presenter this year, we enjoyed a lovely meal and met some very passionate people in the field.
The next day, Kevin woke early to be in Salt Lake City for the Conference.  He spoke to over a thousand people and felt like it went really well and that his presentation was well received.
Back on the home front, we had the last games in the regional church basketball tournament.  We won our first game at 10 and went back and played another game at 1.  The girls all played really great in both games, but we did lose our second game.  That's okay because we had a great time!  Megan couldn't play because she had played school ball, but it was fun to see Savannah, Sarah, and Mariah play together!

That night was the Brookside 70th Birthday Celebration.  This party was the brainchild of our own dear Kevin Skinner and he put many hours into it interviewing old-time residents and putting together a video with interview clips and old pictures.  I went to bed many nights without him as he worked late putting that video together.  He had lots of help from his committee, as well, and I'm so grateful for the help they gave him.  It turned out to be a great night.  Our church gym was full of people laughing and visiting and enjoying the potluck and later the video.  He really did a good thing.  What a great guy!  No wonder we all love him so much!

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