Sunday, March 16, 2014

March means flying kites!!  We had a super windy day yesterday and it was Calianne who asked me if we had any kites.  Why, yes.  We do!  Cali, Cheyenne, and I went to the field behind our house to fly this one made of sail canvas and no sticks.  It just stuffs into a bag and is ready when you are.  I love it!  It's pretty, too.  Cali and Chey and I had fun flying it and being out in the wind!  Thanks to Calianne!  Why didn't I think of that?

Savannah got offered a job this week!  There is a man in our stake who runs BYU's computer systems.  He hires BYU students to work for him.  Lucky for Savannah, my visiting teaching partner is his daughter and Scott's brother, Eric, has been working for him.  They both asked him to look at Savannah as a possible hire.  He seemed glad to!  So, this summer, Savannah will be able to work full-time and in the field in which she would like to major!  Won't that be great?  We are all pretty excited for her.

Sarah played tennis and had study groups.  She went to the church dance last night and came in the door exclaiming, "Best dance, EVER!"  She told us all about it.  When Sarah is happy (which is often!) she gets us all happy with her stories and laughter.  She is great fun and she shares it all with us!

Megan has been stressing over her math and biology grades.  This past week she turned in some extra credit for biology and brought her A- up to a 100%.  Wow.  She is feeling better now!  This next week will be the last week of the term so she still gets to stress about math.  :)  We're glad that she wants to do so well.  On Saturday, she sewed a new dress for herself, too.  It was all her design and it was easy and cute.  I love it when she takes charge of her own fashion like that!

Mariah had a bantam game Monday night.  They lost!  It was the first time they'd lost in a while but they did lose to a really good team.  She got to play in another game this week, though, as our ward was asked to represent the stake in the regional YW tournament.  So, Sarah and Mariah played with four other girls in our ward.  (Megan couldn't play since she was on a school team this year.)  It was fun to watch them play together.  We won by one point and will play again next week!

Chey and Cali had tennis and craft club and this week for Activity Days, they got to walk to the art museum and stop for ice cream at Reams on their way home.  They were in heaven!  They thought it was such fun!

With the weather warmer, Beth has been out with friends just about every day after school this week.  She gets home, tells me whose house she's going to, and is out the door.  She even met a new friend in the neighborhood and is really taken with her.  It's great to see her so active!

Benjamin's friend did move away.  :(  So, Ben has watched a lot more TV this week.  We have some promising new friendships brewing so hope is not lost.  Cali and Chey do try to include him, too.  This morning I heard them trying to get him to play "orphanage." (That's where they bring all the dolls and stuffed animals to one room and take care of them.)  Ben said, "No.  I don't like those kind of games. I like games with trucks and ships!  Let's play that kind of game!"  So much for socialization theories on the difference between boys and girls!  We cut Ben's hair last night.  Here's a picture of it:

Oh alright, here is the redo:

Kevin has really not felt well this week.  In addition, he has been working non-stop on the DVD of interviews he is making into a show for the Brookside Celebration next week.  At work, he has been working non-stop with clients and new workshops and he will present at the UCAP conference next week.  He is miserable and busy and the rest of us, in addition to feeling bad for him, feel bad for ourselves because we miss him!  Still, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We will burst back into the sunshine soon!

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