Sunday, February 23, 2014

We had no school on Monday so as a belated Valentine's gift to all his family, Kevin took us all to see The Lego Movie!  Yes, all ten of us in a movie theatre!  Good thing it was a matinee!  I had to take Ben out once to use the bathroom, but otherwise he did great.  I guess he really likes Legos . . . and Batman and pirates and things crashing and breaking apart.  Anyway, we all had a great time and we've been singing, "Everything is Awesome!" all week.

On Friday, Savannah had a Jane Austen tea party as part of her English class.  We found a neighbor who had a Regency-style dress, and I googled Regency hairstyles on the internet (oh! The things at your fingertips nowadays!). She came home at lunch and we dolled her up:

It was pretty fun.  Savannah had a good time too.  :). Actually she had fun once she got there, drinking hot chocolate in her tea cup, playing whist, and learning Regency dances.  The guys dressed up, too!  I just wish I could have been there!!  What fun.

Other than that, we had young women's, basketball, tennis, work, piano, fiddle, and homework, homework, homework.

Kevin and Mariah's club basketball team played in the semi-final game of their tournament and WON.  It was a great game Saturday night.  Afterward, they went to one of their teammate's houses to have pizza and ice cream and watch a movie.  They loved it.  Monday they will play in the championship game.  Exciting stuff!

Other than that, the weather has been warming up and we are loving being outside now and then.  Maybe winter really won't last forever . . .

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