Sunday, February 9, 2014

Monday was Meg's last basketball game!  She played great and they had a lot of fun.  They did lose, though, so that was their last game of tournament and for the year!  She has had such fun being on the team.  She has already bemoaned its loss repeatedly this week!  Happily, we did get together one last time for their team dinner/party on Wednesday night.  Meg got the "Best Shooter" award which Megan claimed should really say "The Best-Try Shooter Award."  We think she's great either way and are glad she had such a good time!

Savannah has still had some pretty "blah" health days but managed to go to school and work nonetheless.  We are hoping her strength will return soon!

Sarah worked some days this week.  Saturday she worked most of the day running the clock for the high-school boys games.  That's a pretty awesome job -- getting paid to watch cute boys play basketball!  She also played tennis and she and her friends met for movies on Friday and Saturday night.  She had fun!

Mariah played two games for Springville and one for Bantam.  Her Bantam game was on Saturday and Cheyenne and I went to watch.  It was a great game.  They were close, then down by twelve, and then in the last two minutes, tied up!  They lost but it was a fun game and they played well.  Kevin is a great coach.

Chey and Cali still love school.  When they get home, they like to invite friends over or go to their houses.  They are still taking great care of their rabbits.  They played basketball on Thursday and their defense was terrific!  They are still best of friends and work hard together and play great together.  I love those sweet girls!

Bethany had dance and kindergarten and played make-believe.  While I write this, she is by me drawing a picture.  Isn't she sweet?

Ben is growing and talking and playing with friends and trying not to destroy things.  He helped Beth and I clean his room on Saturday.  When I gave him an assignment, he would put his hand to his forehead and say, "Aye, aye, Captain!"  It was great.  Much better than earlier this week when I asked him what he wanted for lunch and after he told me, he said, "Now, get to work!"

Beth and Ben came to the dentist's office with me Tuesday when I took the twins in for their check-up.  Not only were there no-cavities, Beth and Ben had a great time in the play area!

Grandpa Skinner and Maria have been trying to get down here for a visit and to give us Christmas presents, but they haven't been able to.  So, this week they mailed down the presents, and we had great fun having another Christmas party.  Ben especially was excited as he was here when the package was delivered and had to wait all the way until everyone was home!  The package came on Thursday when Mariah and Kevin had a basketball game and then Chey, Cali, and I had a basketball game and also Sarah was at tennis until 7.  I had bookclub here at our house at 7:30, but Ben could not wait another minute!  So we opened at 7:15.  :)

Thanks Grandpa and Maria!!

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