Sunday, September 22, 2013

Savannah went to her first formal dance on Saturday!  Homecoming 2013.

Isn't she beautiful?

Megan and I did her hair.  We thought we did a  pretty awesome job!  The hibiscus are from our neighbor's bush across  the street.  :)

This is Sarah saying, "What?!  She's  taller than me!" Due to her heels . . . 

This  is Mariah, Megan, and Sarah watching picture-taking from the doorway.  They said, "Aw.  Our Savannah is growing up!"

Then we made them get in the picture.

Gavin and  Savannah.  Homecoming 2013.
They left around 4:30 and met their group at the Provo Courthouse for pictures.  Then they all went to Gloria's Italy where apparently there was an accordianist (is that a word?).  He knew a  lot of Disney songs and as most of the group were in the high school choir, they all joined in and sang for the two and a half hours they were at the restaurant!  He finished with a waltz and they all danced around  the restaurant (that's something else they teach them in choir . . .)  Afterwards they went to the dance and from there to the nicklecade in Orem where Savannah beat her date at basketball,  skeeball, and air hockey.  She did lose at the race car games. She said they had  a great time! 

On Tuesday of this week the YW went to the temple for baptisms.  Sarah and Megan had tennis, but Savannah and Mariah and I had a great time!

Thursday was Sarah's last home match and last match of regular season play.  Now only the tournament is left!  How'd  they do? They won!  Again!  I went and watched.  They did great!

Sarah and Allyson.
In addition to a soccer game on Saturday morning, Mariah also ran in another cross country  meet on Friday afternoon.  She finished second for her team and fifth overall.  Pretty awesome!  She is one  fast girl!

Mariah is the new fish hobbyist in our house, too, I should let you  know!  Our long-lived goldfish finally gave up his Earthly life.  Mariah has started over with a new tank and three guppies.  We bought them on Saturday.  Guppies have live young.  One is pregnant.  Mariah is super excited!

Cheyenne and Calianne continue to love gymnastics on Wednesdays.  They both love the vault.  Who knew?  This  Wednesday they also had piano lessons and the practice for the primary program which was this  Sunday and  turned out great, by the way.  They both memorized  their parts and sang beautifully.  I love the primary program!

Beth did really great in the primary program, too!  She said that what she loves best about God's earth is pink flowers.  She wishes she could plant a million of them!  She is currently singing primary songs in her bed while she is supposed to be going to sleep!  She is really liking kindergarten.  We have a walking group made up of all her friends in the neighborhood.  Each of us moms has a different day to be the chaperone.  I think seeing her friends everyday is still the best part for her!  This  week was C is for Cowgirl.  She also learned that a cowgirl needs her horse and her hat!

Ben's  new  favorite show is Disney's  Peter Pan.  He laughs  and  laughs when they all  get to call Captain Hook a codfish.  He is still nuts for cars and trucks.  We went to see the building site for the new junior high and Ben said, "Look at all those beautiful tractors!"  He is pretty fun and  keeps us all on our toes.

I started tennis lessons this week!  My friend, Ivory, and I are in a four-person group taking lessons from the same guy who was teaching my kids this past summer.  Why should the kids get all the fun, right?  It was really great fun!  Maybe I'll even get good!  That would really be fun!

1 comment:

MaggieJo said...

Savannah is gorgeous! All your kids are awesome!