Sunday, September 15, 2013

It was B is for Butterfly week in kindergarten!  I for one have never seen a cuter butterfly!  (Except maybe for when my other kids did butterfly week in kindergarten!)  Bethany told me that she learned the circle of butterfly:  first they are a bug, then they turn into a raccoon, and then they become a butterfly!  Truly an amazing transformation.

We had a lot of rain this week.  Meg's first tennis meet was cancelled due to rain.  :(  Sad!  Also her Friday practice!  Mariah ran in the rain during her cross country meet this week.  She got soaked -- and so did I.  But we didn't care!  Also, Sarah came home in the rain Friday.  She loved it.

Savannah didn't feel well for most of this week and wasn't able to attend cross country practices.  She even missed some school.  She did go to the meet Saturday morning at BYU and still had a really decent run!  She worked twice.  During the week she attended activities for National Honor Society and FBLA and on Saturday went shopping for dresses for Homecoming with a bunch of girlfriends.  Fun times!

Sarah had two meets this week and she and Allyson won both! Again!  They are playing 2nd JV now.  I watched them on Monday.  They stepped up to Varsity to play against a very small school from Carbon County.  It wasn't much of a match for them since their opponents were clearly beginners.  On Thursday, though, they played someone right at their level and just barely won 9-7 (in JV they play to 8, but have to win by 2).  I wished I could have seen that one!  Sarah said it was great fun.

Cheyenne and Calianne started gymnastics this week!  It's the same program that Savannah and Sarah and Megan did when they were little!  The woman in charge even remembered me.  It was like I never left.  I think I even brought the twins in their carseats when I was bringing Megan . . . It's possible!  Chey and Cali had a really good time!  I think it will be a really good thing for them.

Mariah played soccer on Wednesday and Saturday and although she didn't play in the rain, the field was WET and muddy and splashy.  They called the game on Saturday early because they were winning 10 to 0.  Yikes!  Yes, her team sure knows how to play.  Mariah scored a goal at the Wednesday night game.  She is having a great time.

On Saturday we had a neighborhood block party!  It was great fun.  We had two bounce houses, a cake walk, a fishing pond, a bean bag toss, face painting, photo shop with props, balloon animals, henna tatoos, a raffle, cooking contests, cotton candy, and more!  We all had a great time!

What a fun week!

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