Sunday, July 29, 2012

Today Kevin and I celebrate our 18th Wedding Anniversary!  Wow!  That's a lot of years, huh?  A lot of good years.  Kevin has made all my years great.  He's been my friend and my support and my partner in our greatest pursuit -- parenting all these great children.  I love him and am just so filled with gratitude for him and these 18 years.

Not to mention, because it was our anniversary, he took me to see Neil Diamond yesterday night!  "I've got the sun in my eyes and the wind in my face and it's good just to be alive!"  It was so fun!  That man can really write a song.  Not to mention, I have memories of his songs stretching back to when I was a little girl.  His songs bring back memories from all different stages of my life.  The fans were all wild about him.  This is a man who sings in the memories of bajillions of people.  As my kids would say, going to see him in concert was totally EPIC.  It was definitely worth being married for 18 years.  ;)

In other news this week, Cali and Cheyenne had a lemonade stand.

They earned almost four dollars!  Which was enough for Cali and Chey and their friend, Grace, to go to the Snowie Shack and buy some slushies.  It was a productive afternoon for them.  They made up for the lack of  traffic in front of our house by hollering as loudly as they could, "LEMONADE FOR SALE!!!"  It seems that such marketing tactics were successful, or at least successful enough!  They had fun.

I also took the younger crew over to the splash pad in Spanish Fork, again.  Mariah enjoys any kind of water best with goggles on and the splash pad, which is in essence, a giant, playable fountain, was no exception!  Mariah, Cali, and Chey like the splash pad better than Beth and Ben do, so the latter wanted to leave much sooner than did the former, but it was a fun morning.

Bethany and her friends played a lot of dress-up.  There was one day this week when Beth didn't get a chance to play with any of her friends.  That night when I asked her to say her prayers, she said, "But Mom!  I didn't play with anyone today!"  I guess there is nothing to be thankful for when such is the case!

Benjamin is still very attached to his bottle and his blankie -- he likes the silky edge; he rubs it between his fingers while he drinks his bottle.  He is very tactile!  Meanwhile he has picked up some sayings from his sisters.  One being, "Ew, Gross!"  He does manage to say this with his manly voice.  Sarah also taught him to say, "Precious!" which I don't think can really be said in a manly voice.  It's really cute, though!  He ends his days with dirt coating his face, his hands, and his legs from the knees down.  His little feet are as tough as leather since he does not like his shoes but does like being outside running down the hot sidewalk.

Savannah worked most of the days this week.  When she wasn't at work, she was enjoying her new computer.  When we had all our computer issues at our house, we bought a Mac for Savannah.  A Mac that she is paying for with her money from her job.  She is enjoying her Mac very much and it is nice to have our family computer available for other people!

Sarah, Megan, and Mariah went through phases of boredom bordering on mania.  I made lots of helpful suggestions which somehow weren't considered helpful by the sufferers themselves.  Funny how boredom is like that.  I think school is starting to look more appealing . . .

As for myself, I spent the week working on a dress for Savannah and when I got all done, it didn't fit!  Not only does it not fit, but it also doesn't look right.  Which made me think -- why do I not just go shopping?    I guess having two positive sewing experiences IN A ROW (shorts for the twins and nightgowns for Beth), I was pushing my luck looking for a third.  Such is my life as a seamstress!  I would put the blasted machine away and say I've learned my lesson, except that I have to make dresses for the twins to wear after their baptism the first week in September.  It's a tradition.  I hope they turn out alright!

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