Sunday, April 1, 2012

Family togetherness and an iPad -- as long as you only have one!

Guess who's driving?  All on her own!  We actually went and finished all the rigamarole for her license about a month ago and she's been driving since then.  But her license finally came in the mail so I could take a picture of her with it and make the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!  I have to say that I LOVE having Savannah be able to drive.  I thought that I would enjoy having her run errands and take her sisters places, which she's done a little bit, but the biggest boon is just that she can take herself places!  It is awesome.  I love it!  I think she loves it, too . . .

Savannah also, of course, returned from her choir tour this week.  She came breezing back through our door Tuesday morning while we were getting ready for school.  "Savannah!!!"  We were all excited.  She had a terrific time.  She is still working on her edition of the Skinner Update . . .

Megan got a new shirt over the weekend and got to wear it to school.  Fun, huh?  After a brief hiatus where she was too old to love pink as her favorite color, it is now her favorite color once again.  She is a liberated woman!

Speaking of new shirts, Cheyenne has a long-sleeved, black and white striped shirt that she wears every Thursday because she has self-designated all Thursdays as "Zebra Day." Unfortunately (or fortunately rather), the weather is getting too warm for long-sleeved shirts. So, Cheyenne needed a new shirt. We made an iron-on with our computer and turned a shirt we already had into a new Zebra shirt for Cheyenne. It turned out pretty well! Now Calianne is telling me that Fridays are Cheetah days. . .

On Thursday night our Relief Society had a dinner for mothers and daughters.  Which meant that the Skinners had a table to themselves!  It was fun to have all my girls with me and it was fun for them to be invited and to be a part of the organization where their mom spends so much time.

On Saturday night, Megan and her friends decided to host a party for the rest of Megan's sisters (it's really just always girls' night around here)!  They went shopping for frappe and decorated the back yard with baby quilts and Christmas lights.  Then everyone needed to wear a crazy hat.  The hardest part was waiting until 8 o'clock when the festivities finally would begin!

We have new neighbors (again -- even though I loved my old neighbors!) and Ben's new favorite pasttime is to follow their cat which he calls, "Meow."  I am happy to report that the cat is extraordinarily patient and Ben has even gotten up the courage to pick up the cat and carry it around!  The poor cat!  But Ben is very happy!

1 comment:

MaggieJo said...

I love your family; reading your blog just makes me happy. I love that last picture! Too cute!