Sunday, April 8, 2012

On Thursday night this week, Megan entertained us with another lovely orchestra concert.

They played some beautiful songs with just their orchestra, then we listened to The New Horizons orchestra which is comprised of people over 60 who are just learning to play or returning to instruments after several years.  Then they combined the orchestras and the young played next to the old.  It was cool.  It was moving.  Megan even played this time instead of just air bowing.  We really enjoyed it!

And did I make that adorable blouse that she is wearing?  Yes.  Yes, I did.

Friday was Good Friday, so that meant hot cross buns for tea . . . or for afterschool snack if you happen to live in Utah and not England.

We also invested in a bike trailer.  That way I can bring B&B with me when I train for the bicycle part of my triathlon.  Also, the bigger kids can take the same little people with them this summer when they need an adventure.  Win, win!  So far I can tell you that going 13 miles with no trailer is way easier than 6 miles pulling two preschoolers! 

Also, the trailer has a bit of a soporific effect.  (Isn't that a wonderful word?)

Calianne saw these hats on the front of Family Fun magazine and wanted to spend some Mom and Me time making them.  They turned out cute, huh?  We had fun doing it, too!

Mariah spent a lot of the warm days we had this week reading books.  She was still enjoying the turn in the weather, though, since her favorite spot to read was up in the tree!

The following pictures look like they were taken a few months back, but no, they are really from this week!  We woke up Friday to a raging snow storm.  The little people home with me thought it was pretty cool even though I think it was way too cold to be cool!

Luckily it didn't last long.  By Saturday when we colored eggs, it was all gone.

Where was Ben?  Well, he was playing outside, of course!  Have I mentioned that we can't get him to come inside?  Actually, we got him interested for about 30 seconds . . .

. . . then he took the project back outside.  The egg didn't last very long.

Here's all our beautiful eggs!  The two missing were Ben's.  Maybe next year!

Later that evening we had our annual Easter egg hunt!  We had our older kids do the hiding this year.  We even adopted an older brother for the occasion!

Here's our excited hunters!  The hunting was extra tricky this year since our hiders did an extra tricky job!  We thought there was one egg we might never find again, but it was located at long last!

Ben was just upset when the egg hunt was over and he couldn't have the jar of jelly beans all to himself anymore.  Ahh, the injustices of life.

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