Sunday, February 26, 2012

We had a really fun visit from the Gazdiks this week!

That would be the second generation Gazdiks. Aunt Sanae came from their new home in California with Anna, Erin, Jordan, and Julia to visit Kayla at BYU. They left dad Mike, at home.  I actually can't claim credit for this picture (I stole it from Anna's facebook page!  Thanks, Anna!)  It was so fun to have them around for a little while  They are such a fun, happy family!

They even came to Kevin, Sarah, and Megan's last basketball game.  They were great cheerers!  I was impressed.  Megan and Sarah were pumped up and so motivated.  They played great!  They didn't win, though.  It was the best team in the league, afterall.  They ended with a 3-7 season and improved as they went along!  It was fun to watch them and all they can do!
In other news, Ben continues to want to go outside ALL the time.  When the weather first turned cold (yes, back in November), Ben simply took our space heater outside, faced it toward the front yard, and turned it on.  I'm not sure if he's noticed that it didn't work, but he continues to try to convince each of us to bring him outside whenever he can.  He has convinced Sarah a few times this week and Sarah brought her camera.  He is a cute little imp and does reward whoever takes him outside with plenty of joyous smiles.

Mariah seems to not notice that it is cold outside, either.  But then, she's got to get in her 500 shots a day there on our crooked hoop on the back road.

My big project for the week was to move Megan into Sarah and Savannah's room, the bunkbeds into the twins room, the queen bed into Mariah's room, and Bethany up into Benjamin's room.  That's a lot of shuffling around!  The twins are VERY happy.  Mariah after much distress, has decided she is "in paradise."  Bethany and Benjamin are happy, too.  That just leaves my three teenage girls who now share a room.  How will they do?  Time will tell.  The dust (and clothes and bottle collections and books and knick knacks) are still settling.  I am hopeful that they will dandify that room right up.  This is how I made the beds fit:
Wheat buckets!  The dresser is still there.  It is now underneath Megan's bed!  When (if?) they get the room all organized, I will post a new picture so you can be impressed instead of horrified.  :)

Mariah has been going early to school twice a week to sing in the school's choir.  They had a performance on Thursday and they all sang so sweetly.  Mariah just loves to sing and it is so fun to see her spiritedness!

Lastly, we can't end the update without letting you all know that Savannah took her driving road test this week and . . . passed!  She got an 82%.  We're going to make her keep retaking it until it's 100%.  Heh, heh.  Just kidding.  Now we just have to go up to the DMV and get her actual license . . . and add her to our insurance . . . yikes!  Nonetheless, it won't be long now and she'll be roaming those roads on her own!  Go, Savannah!

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