Kevin and I rushed over to the high school afterward and caught the last song of Savannah's concert which was a big number with all the choirs singing and moving to "So Happy Together." It was stunning. We did get to eat cheesecake with our lovely girl afterwards.
We did have basketball games this week. I had one on Monday, which we lost, and Kevin had one on Tuesday which they also lost, but Sarah had a great game and scored 12 points including two free throws. Way to go Sarah! She came home on a great high. Megan and Mariah played great games, too.
We can't let the basketball season pass, without letting you know that Sarah has been working her first job these past weeks as a referee for the junior league! Isn't she an adorable referee? Anyway, it has turned out to be a more stressful job than she at first expected. Just remember, referees are people, too! Sarah won't let her friends razz referees at all anymore. You can't beat that for a learning experience, eh? We think it is neat that she has taken on the responsibility of a job. Go Sarah!
When we went to the BYU Women's game last Saturday, they announced at the end of the game that they'd be playing 18th ranked Gonzaga on Thursday and really needed the support of their fans, so PLEASE come. Mariah latched onto that and would not let go. She begged and pleaded and begged some more until Kevin relented and agreed to take her and whoever else wanted to go (Sarah, Megan, and friend, Rebekah) to the Thursday night game. BYU won 70 to 40. I am sure they couldn't have done it without the loyalty of their most dedicated fans!
On Friday, Kevin and I took Calianne and Cheyenne out to dinner at their favorite restaurant. They get a little ignored during basketball season, and Kevin and I wanted to give them some extra attention. They are such good friends, I don't know if they even notice the rest of us somethimes! It's so fun to watch them grow up together and learn new things!
Bethany continues to amuse us all. Last Sunday I asked her if she wanted to watch Nephi (one of our Book of Mormon videos). She said, "That would be scary because Laman and Lemuel are murderers in their hearts!" It was so funny. That is something Nephi says in the video. Also, while we were reading Book of Mormon during the week, Bethany wanted a turn to read. We finally relented. She turned to her book and read, "And it came to pass that there were three bears . . . " Fairy tales Book of Mormon style! Grandma Gazdik called this week from her vacation in Arizona. Kevin put her on speaker phone and invited everyone to say something to Grandma. Bethany on her turn said, "Um, I am really cute and everyone likes me." I couldn't have said it better myself!
Benjamin didn't light anything on fire this week or leave unsupervised. Yay! Savannah brought some touchable bubbles home from Funfinity this week and Ben was SO excited. This video is so funny!
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