Sunday, January 8, 2012

We love our new wagon!
On Monday of this week we had great fun picking up our neice, Kayla, from the airport and bringing her down to her dorm at BYU.  It always brings back memories of our own time at BYU when we talk to kids who are going there now.  It was great fun to talk to Kayla and hear some stories from her!  She even let us come up and see her dorm room!  My girls thought it was great!  And it is.  It was a fun adventure.

We started basketball games this week!  Mariah and I had our first game on Wednesday.  My girls played great.  They scored 26 points!  That is a lot for this age!  We were ahead until the last four minutes when the other team started a full-court press.  I kept thinking I should go over that in practice . . . but I never did.  My team fell completely apart.  It was scary!  So, then we lost.  And it was my fault!!  Ah well.  We will go over that and things will be better.  Afterall, they scored 26 points  AND got 32 rebounds (my friend kept track for me).  They played really well.  It was fun.

Sarah, Megan, and Dad had their first game on Thursday.  They started the season against the hardest team.  The name of the gal on this team who is sooo good inspires fear in every jr. high basketball player in the Springville/Mapleton area.  You think I am joking, but I am not!  So . . . Kevin's team lost.  But they did play really well, and when Megan was guarding their star . . . she did not score.  Sarah did some great rebounding and passing and scoring.  They're both playing really well.  It's going to be a fun season.

Kevin and I went to temple night on Wednesday this week.  I had bookclub on Thursday night.  The girls had Young Women on Tuesday.  Kevin and I went out to eat and to the bookstore on Friday night, because that's what we like to do.

We woke up to snow on Saturday morning. It was our first big snowstorm. The girls were excited! All of the kids went out to play in the snow (except Savannah -- she did work on Saturday) and built snow forts, a snowman, and had a snowball fight (which, they discovered, was considerably less fun than the building of the fort -- all that cold and pain! Whoever decided snowball fights were fun? This comes from having all girls I am thinking). They used all the snow in the front yard, got snow from the back, and even "borrowed" snow from the neighbors -- the ones who, they said, they thought wouldn't mind (which amuses me).

Snowangels are harder when your sisters have taken all the snow out of the yard -- but Bethany figures it's worth a shot anyway!

Megan says that you need a scary snowman when he's part of a snow fort.

I think they made the forts so tall because the idea of kneeling in the snow hadn't really occured to them.  :)

Sarah, Megan, Mariah, and some neighbor friends also went to the mall on Saturday while Cheyenne and I went to JoAnn's.  We made some improvements to our front room as a result of some of those purchases!  We bought some fabric and some foam to make our piano bench "cushy."  Earlier this week we bought the nice shelf.  The baskets will hold piano music so it doesn't make unsightly piles on the top of the piano!  The flower arrangement I got really cheap at a craft store that is going out of business.  I am happy with it!
Yes, I did put African animals on our piano bench.  Cheyenne and I loved them!

Sarah took this picture at the mall when the girls were waiting to be picked up. Sarah said this is Megan's face when she realized that since church changed to 9am, she will only have one day to sleep in everyweek during the school year.   Can you just see the trauma???? 
Before the day was over, Kevin took the four older girls to the gym at the church for some more basketball.  Cheyenne said to me, "Mom!  You're not going to believe this, but Savannah is playing basketball!!!"  I guess Cheyenne doesn't remember when Savannah used to play ball, too!

Happy 2012!
I have to give credit to Sarah for the pictures for the blog this week, too.  She took 259 pictures to my 0.  That was a great present to give her for Christmas!

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