Sunday, January 22, 2012

This is the playdoh container that Ben set on fire!  Pretty impressive, huh?  My boy is not yet two and he has already set something on fire!  I had my back to the stove and Ben and Beth were playing at the table with playdoh when Ben got it in his head to cook the playdoh!  When I turned around, he had the container on one of the burners and had turned it on and was watching as it sunk into the grate while it quickly melted.  He looked pretty surprised.  His eyes got really big and after I saved it he said, "HOT!"  Which was pretty accurate.  I think that since he's smart enough to turn on the stove, I should be able to expect him to be smart enough to restrict the use of his new skill to appropriate circumstances!  Hopefully sooner than later.
Here he is helping me make spaghetti!

See him checking the flame?
He is a very conscientious cook!

We bought some of those tiny clementine oranges this week.  Bethany found the bag, brought three to me and asked, "Mom, will you teach me how to juggle?"  Isn't she the best?  I sent her to Mariah.  It turns out that inspite of her belief that I know how to do everything in the entire world, there are things I can't teach her!

Stomach flu went through our house this week felling Cheyenne and Savannah on Tuesday and Bethany and Benjamin on Friday.  I did laundry just about constantly!  Everyone seems to be better now.  It's a good thing stomach flu doesn't last long.  It is sure yucky and it's so sad to see your little ones miserable.

We had no school on Monday of this week.  Savannah used the time to meet with a couple of gals from her Chineese class to finish a project.  Then she worked in the late afternoon.  I took the rest of the kids (with the exception of Benjamin and Bethany who stayed home with me) to the $3 movie theatre and they saw Hugo together.  It's so fun that they enjoy doing things together and can take care of each other!

We had basketball games on Wednesday and Thursday.  We all lost with varying degrees of grace.  I think all the girls played well.  Mariah particularly had a great game, stealing the ball several times and making layups.  I think coaching is fun, but I am also finding that it is super stressful!

Savannah started driver's ed this week.  She has to be in the classroom by 5:45 every morning! 

Lucky for Kevin and I, we are carpooling.  Savannah seems to be doing well with the schedule and is learning a lot!  Next week she'll start driving with the instructor.  She might actually figure this driving thing out!  Yay for school driver's ed classes!

We had stake conference this weekend.  Savannah spoke in the youth session.  We were pleased that she got the chance and had the confidence and testimony with which to do it.  The adult session, you know, is two hours long, about halfway through, Bethany was tired of all the toys and books we'd brought, so she climbed onto my lap and started to chant, "This is boring.  This is boring."  I'm sitting here trying to think why I find that so amusing.  Maybe because she's only three and can identify her own emotions so well already.  Maybe because she didn't need to tell me it was boring for me to know that she felt that way!  Anyway, she makes me laugh.

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