Monday, June 6, 2011

The first full week of summer actually started with a holiday – Memorial Day – so Kevin was home, too!  Unfortunately, nature did not get the memo that it is now SUMMERTIME!!!  Hello?  My children were all stir-crazy, Bethany worst of all, and we couldn’t go outside!  So, we did what all parents of two-year-olds do when their children need to play and they can’t go outside.  We went to McDonald’s.

DSC07009Bethany is not in the picture because she was already playing.  It is wonderful what McDonald’s does for parents everywhere.

We had softball this week.  Megan had one game Tuesday night which started at 9:20 (yes, that would be at night).  Then Wednesday night Megan had a game in Mapleton at 6:45.  Sarah had a game at 7:00 and Mariah had a game at 7:15.  Megan won 30 to 7.  Wow, huh?  Thursday was our favorite night.  Megan played at 5, Sarah played at 5:30, and Mariah played at 6:00.  I got to see some of every game and we were still done by 7:30!  That is some good timing!  They all continue to play great.  They are fun to watch!

In the mornings, Cheyenne and Calianne have started tennis lessons with a mom in our ward.  They went Tuesday and Thursday mornings and they can already model a terrific forehand – just make sure you give them plenty of space!  :)

Megan started Cheer Clinic and went from 8 to 10 Tuesday thru Thursday.  She’s glad there are only two weeks of it because she wants to sleep in, dang it!

We also started summer music lessons.  I started Mariah, Cheyenne, and Calianne with the same teacher who teaches Savannah and Sarah.  Yes.  I am writing her a very big check every month and Wednesday we have piano lessons for several hours!

Finally, this Saturday was the beginning of Art City Days and you know what that means – the Nestle Art City Days 5K!

DSC07028There we all are!  Looking tired but excited for our upcoming race!  Grandma Gazdik came and took care of Bethany and Benjamin.  We were so grateful!

Out of all the Skinners participating, Kevin came in first, of course.

DSC07032 He came in 52nd out of 2349 runners.  Not bad, huh?  What a great runner!

Next came Mariah!

DSC07035Look at her go!  She placed 6th in her age group.

I don’t have anymore pictures, but next came Savannah, followed closely by Megan, then ME (30:19), and then Sarah with Cheyenne and Calianne.  We all made it!  Huzzah!  I also made my goal of not stopping to walk on the hill.  I made it all the way to the top of that murderous, vicious thing!!  :)

Afterwards was the raffle and we won something this year!  Specifically, Calianne won!

DSC07038 She won a case of water, two kites, and a gift certificate to MeKong Cafe.  Wow!  We thought it was pretty cool until we had to carry it home.   It was heavy!!

We love doing that 5K together as a family, even if it does kind of wipe us out.


1 comment:

Robin said...

Wow. I got way behind, didn't I?

Congratulations on the 5k. You guys are amazing!