Monday, May 30, 2011

We started this week with Mariah’s Brookside Elementary School Choir concert.


She rocked out to “Rockin’ Robin” and sang a great song with lots of actions and hilarious facial expressions called “I Lost My Homework!” and sang a lovely, haunting song called “Listen to the Rain.”  It was fabulous.  I love to watch Mariah sing because she puts her whole self into it.  She’s got passion for music!


We had a nice day this week and I did some yard work.  Yay me!  I also cleaned our fountain and got it working again.  I don’t know what I was thinking.



Is it possible to keep a one-year-old out of a fountain of water?  If it is, I have yet to figure it out!

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had more softball games.  Also on Wednesday, Savannah and Sarah got to go to Lagoon with the junior high.  What a fun day for all those hard-working kids!  Megan got to go swimming at the Springville Pool with the 6th graders and Cali, Chey, and Mariah had Field Day at the elementary school.

Thursday was the last day of school!  I was going to get a picture of everyone looking really tired, but I guess by the time everyone was home from school, I forgot!  Plus, everyone was already a hundred different directions, as usual . . .

It was Megan’s last day as an elementary school student, so that meant we got to attend the 6th Grade Celebration!!


They sang “I Can Go the Distance,” which always gives me chills.  And then they rocked out to “Dynamite” and they put their hands up in the air and sang “Waay oh!”

DSC06966 It looks like a happy and confident group of 6th graders doesn’t it?  What more could you ask from a school?  (Alright, alright, as long as they’ve got good test scores, too – and they do!)  We got to watch a slide show after that.  Then Megan stayed and had fun with her friends for the rest of the (half) day of school!

DSC06969 So ends Megan’s elementary school career.  It’s been fun!  Now!  Onward and Upward to Bigger Things!  We love you, Megan Rose!

So, Friday was the first official day of summer vacation.  The night before, our very excited Calianne, FINALLY lost one of her front teeth!

DSC07004Which meant that the tooth fairy came and gave her a whole dollar to spend.  Which meant that she begged and pleaded and begged some more to go to the dollar store from the moment she woke up.  So . . . we went!  Yay!  I bought everybody some sidewalk chalk while we were there, so we managed to fill up our first day of summer vacation.  See Ben over there hard at work with his own piece of chalk?  So cute!

DSC06988 Cheyenne was actually sick for most of her last week of school.  She managed to go to school Wednesday for field day, but that was it.  She seems to be better now.  On Friday, Sarah went down with it and she has yet to come back up.  That’s not a fun way to start summer vacation is it?  And yet, we are happy that we had a comparatively healthy school year.  Why not lay around now?  :)

On Saturday, Savannah performed in her first voice recital.  She sounded so lovely.  She hated every minute of it, but the rest of us really liked it!

DSC06989Would you like to hear her?  I thought you would . . .

Then Saturday night, Savannah performed in a piano recital.  Sarah would have performed, as well, but she was down for the count (still sick)!  We missed hearing Sarah perform, but it was fun to hear Savannah anyway.  She sounded lovely but is sure that she did not.  Silly child.  We think she is cool!


On Sunday, Megan and I played a violin duet in sacrament meeting for church.  It was “Love at Home.”  Megan played really well!  We sounded lovely, too.  :)

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