Softball games started this week! In the rain. Yes, indeed. Tuesday was our first day of softball games. Megan had a game at 5:00, Mariah had a game at 6:00, and Sarah had a game at 7:00. Isn’t that nice how they stacked up like that? So, apparently, for softball, they will cancel if it has been raining all day and the fields are full of mud, but if it is raining during the game and the field is okay, then they will keep on playing! Such was the case Tuesday. I think I need to buy an umbrella. We all huddled under the overhang by the bathrooms while Bethany cheerily went running from puddle to puddle getting thoroughly drenched. It was a great excursion for a two year-old. Our softball players had fun, too. They probably would have opted for a clear, warm day, but were happy they could play at all and that games weren’t cancelled. Now that’s love of the game! Megan did great stealing lots of bases after they walked her to first. Mariah started out pitching and threw lots of strikes, then went to bat and hit a line drive to the outfield. It was impressive. Sarah got to play first base in the major leagues (that’s what I call it since it is the highest league before they kick you out!) She did great catching everything that came at her (except for one ball that was miles above her head) and getting lots of outs. Man! It makes you want to come out here and watch them play even if you have to sit in the rain, doesn’t it? We were supposed to have games on Wednesday and Thursday, too, but on those days it rained all day and was clear in the evenings. You know what that means . . . Games cancelled. That’s okay. They’ll get to play them again later in the season.
On Friday, Mariah got to play in her first piano recital! She knew her piece so well, she’d been playing it by heart for a couple of weeks! The recital, organized by her teacher, was held in the primary room at church and was open to other children learning piano in the ward. It was a great way for the kids to show their talents. Sarah and Savannah even played in it as their teacher caught wind of the event and “encouraged” them to use the chance to play in front of others. They didn’t much care for the church piano, but they did well, anyway!
Poor Calianne was sick most of the week. She didn’t feel well Monday night and then didn’t go to school Tuesday. Wednesday she went back to school because the first grade was going on a field trip to the Bean Museum and then bowling! Cheyenne and Calianne were both so excited for it for weeks. When she got back from school that day, though, she sat down in a chair and fell sound asleep. Poor girl. She was not well. She didn’t really start feeling better until Sunday. Now, today, Monday, she is back at school, and Cheyenne is home with what looks like the same thing: low-grade fever, head congestion, headache, extreme lethargy, and occasional stomach pain. Yuck, yuck, yuck!
I spent most of Saturday taking Megan to different stores to find a dress she likes for church. She finally found one she liked. Yay! But I, who was also looking, did not! So, how can I blame her for taking so long to decide? I’m glad she found something! We women are hard to please when it comes to dresses.
On Sunday, I spoke in church. I think it went well. I’m glad that my kids could hear how very much I believe in the power of the gospel in our lives and how very much Christ loves each of us. It can be a blessing to speak in church! Even though it can be kind of scary. :)
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