Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week of June 8 - June 14

It was Art City Days this week which meant the carnival came to town! Usually the carnival is in the center of town on the library lawn. Our city is rebuilding, currently, however and the lawn was unavailable. So this year the carnival was at The Arts Park -- which just happens to be [practically] in our back yard.

We went on Thursday evening. We had rain off and on all week. In fact, Megan was supposed to have a softball game Thursday night but the field got soaked in the late afternoon. We walked over to the carnival with the storm clouds threatening. Here are Chey, Cali, and Mariah on the carousel. The twins had been asking about a carousel for months. They were so excited!
Savannah, Sarah, and Megan went on the ferris wheel. What fun!

We walked around the craft booths and got some giant scones from the food vendors. We got stopped three separate times to be asked if these girls were all ours and how many were there and how old were they? Etc., etc! Wow! We got a lot of attention!

As we were leaving, it started to rain. So, we got all wet, but we were happy, and there was even a rainbow:

It was great fun!

Saturday morning was the parade. If you remember, my children (Cheyenne and Calianne) much prefer this to a circus since at a parade they throw candy. They have been so excited about the parade, too, and got lots of candy. It was clear and sunny for the parade, then clouded up and rained, cleared, rained, then stopped long enough for us to see the fireworks [yes, practically] in our backyard. What a lot of partying!

Other than that, Megan had two softball games this week and won both of them. The girls went to the pool. I took the twins on Friday and Cali loved putting her face in the water to use her new goggles. (Cheyenne needed a bribe to get her nose a little wet!)

I had enrichment this week. We had a demonstration on how to make bread from a wheat kernal sans electricity. We have a ward generator so we cranked it up to grind the wheat with a wheat grinder (although we showed off a couple of hand grinders as well). Then yours truly showed off a loaf of bread cooked in a dutch oven, one baked in an apple box oven, and one baked in a solar oven. Then served up some served piping hot that were finishing up cooking on the spot. Don't you wish you had been there? Now everyone thinks I am a bread-making queen! (Good thing they weren't there earlier when I was lighting charcoal and nearly burned up my neighbor's landscaping -- and singed my hair -- then I shudder to think what I would be known as! My bishop is even a fireman! Holy Cow!)

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