Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week of June 1 - June 7

Well, summer vacation has arrived and its been a good week. Sarah and Megan were in a basketball camp at UVU, M-W in the mornings. They had great fun and got in some good practice. They all worked on workbooks and did some writing and practiced music everyday. (I love the enthusiasm at the beginning of the summer!) On Thursday, I took them over to the Springville pool and got a family pass for the month. I worked with the twins to teach them how to swim. The older girls went back on Friday and on Saturday. I love how they can just bike over whenever they want!! It is going to be fabulous!

On Saturday morning we had the great Art City Days 5K [practically] in our backyard. It has become a family tradition for us to participate. This year everyone over the age of seven ran in the race. It was a beautiful day -- green and blue and the mountains rising around us. The twins slept over at Grandma's and she brought the twins and Bethany over to watch the end of the race. She even got pictures! There were 2,168 runners this year. The first to come in for our family were Dad and Savannah:

Savannah's time was 23:44 and she placed 3rd in her age division:
Go Savannah!
Next came Mariah running all on her own. What courage and bravery (and what a fast girl!) She ran the race in 27:52 and came in 2nd in her age division:
Go Mariah!
Next came Mom with a time of 29:19. She broke 30 minutes and is very pleased with herself! She came in 18th in her age group. They don't give a plaque for that! Weird, huh? Anyway, Go Mom!
Lastly came Sarah and Megan running together. Their time was 34:28. They came in 25th and 26th in their age group. Again, no plaque, but they did super! And look at those smiling faces:
We had a great time and it was a super day! Next year, we'll push Beth in a stroller and have the twins run, too! We can't wait! Anyone want to join us? It's the best race EVER!

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