Sunday, May 17, 2009

This week we had two recitals and a concert. First was the concert. Savannah has been in the 7th grade choir this semester and just loving it. Here is her in her cool choir t-shirt and her even cooler homemade earrings (they match the neon-green lettering of her shirt):

That's her in the middle doing her "solo" of three people:

And here she is on the piano helping with "The Rythm of the Rain!":

It was great fun and I think it's neat she finally gets to be in a choir since she has always found joy in singing!
Later that same night, the twins had a recital for their Let's Play Music class. Here they are playing "Do-Re-Mi" on the bells:

Here they are with the rest of the class, getting ready to sing:

They loved being in their own recital! What beautiful girls!

The other recital was a piano recital on Saturday night. I forgot the camera, but Sarah and Savannah both played two pieces and they did really well! Afterward, we all went out to eat at Sizzler. It was a fun evening for us!
We also got our garden planted this week (complete with watering system -- the secret to success!) We've planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, spaghetti squash, green beans, watermelon, and cantalope. I think it might really be summer!!!!! Yippee!

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1 comment:

Gazdik Family said...

Sevannah, I would LOVE to hear you sing!!
That is so cool that you got to do the three people solo, you must be goooood.
Erin is in the 8th grade choir, too.
We have been busy with all the end of the year recitals and concerts as well.
OK, the twins look long compared to what I remember of them. But I can still see their personalities in their faces.
Keep up the great work, girls!!