Sunday, May 24, 2009

On Friday, Sarah's fifth grade class performed several reader's theatres. Sarah got to be Narrator Three in The Paper Bag Princess -- which is one of my favorite storybooks, ever! She did great and had a fun time. We had a fun time watching her! Here is a (dark) video if you want to watch her, too:

On Saturday, we went to see our 6 foot tall, 14 year-old cousin from Idaho, Jacob, play in a baseball tournament in nearby Lehi. We were told that it is the biggest tournament this side of the Mississippi. They have a fantastic team and it was fun to watch. My girls are used to watching softball, of course. Mariah asked me, "Why are they playing with those antique balls?" Funny, huh?

Speaking of softball, this was Megan's first week of games! She got to be the pitcher in the first game of the year. It was so fun to watch her! Kevin has been working hard with her and the practice has paid off. She is going to be great!

She is our only player this year, but Savannah has signed on as an Umpire! I think it is so cool. She gets to use her knowledge of the game, still be involved, AND have a paid job when she is 13! She got to do her first two games this week. We practiced having her call strikes and balls behind the plate, but they just had her work out in the field calling safes and outs. She still has a pretty impressive bellow and she had a great time. She always has liked being in charge and telling people what to do, after all. :)

It has finally warmed up here and I got out the flipflops. Calianne was very excited. Cheyenne has always had difficulty walking in flipflops. When I got them out of the closet, Cali tried them on and asked if they were the ones that belonged to her. Cheyenne said, "Do they fall off, Cali? Because if they fall off, then they are mine." Funny, huh? It is the shoes that are dysfunctional!!!

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