Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week of March 30 to April 5

Well, Beth did it this week! She figured out how to crawl! Here is a video of her halting progress. (She definitely wouldn't win any races quite yet.) The second half of the video isn't as good at showing her crawling, but you do get to see her beautiful eyes gazing up at us. Ahhhh. :)

April Fool's Day was pretty funny around here. Sarah got really into it -- at least for our family! First, she brought home a citation from one of her teachers (that's like a really serious, "your child has been BAD" note from school). That girl could never hold a straight face! She handed me the paper and stood there trying not to laugh and failed miserably. "Sarah!" I said. "You got a citation?"

"Yep!" she said, laughter escaping before she could get her mouth shut again.

"Are you serious, Sarah, or is this an April Fool's joke?"

"It's an April Fool's joke!" she said and the giggles absolutely consumed her. Then she had to tell me the whole story of how she and her friends finally found a teacher who would give them one just as a joke. Then she said she had another joke planned for me, but was that okay? Would I get mad because she knew that some people didn't like April Fool's jokes. That is so Sarah, to make sure no one is going to get mad! But, uh, how am I supposed to answer that question?

"Er, I guess so. I think I'll be okay," I managed.

"Good!" she said thoroughly pleased and still in a state of high mirth.

She checked on me a couple times that afternoon. "Did you get your April Fool's joke, yet?" she would ask.

Finally, as I was setting the table for dinner, I noticed she was rather following me around. I got out a serving spoon that had a water spot on it, and I decided to use a little water on it to clean it up before I used it. As I turned the faucet on to just a trickle, I noticed that the sprayer to the side of the sink was dribbling water, too. I looked at it in confusion and then looked up into Sarah's mischevious face. Light dawned.

She burst into giggles again and said, "Darn!! You ruined it! You were supposed to turn it on all the way!" -- all this while she is still laughing fit to burst. It makes me laugh even now thinking about it! She is so funny.

I wondered, though, if I would have laughed if I had gotten sprayed full on in the face?? But how could I not? I had given her permission! The funniest part is that I didn't get wet, but during the afternoon while she was waiting for her trap to spring, she got thirsty and turned on the water for a drink . . . and she got all wet!

April Fools!

1 comment:

Marion said...

Why did you teach her to crawl? Now you'll never know where she is! What a cutie. Thanks for the time and effort to send the video. I can't wait to hold in in my arms again (if she'll let me)!!