Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week of April 6 to April 12

Well, it was Easter Week! Hopefully, I will be able to once again amaze you with my blogging abilities and you can see our pictures from egg decorating and hunting in a slide show. It was a rainy, dark day on Saturday and Kevin had to work throughout the morning and early afternoon, so we didn't get to do eggs until after dinner and then we had our hunt inside the house! It was very fun. That way we got to hide the older girls' eggs in really hard places -- hence, Megan's classic picture during the hunt.

On Sunday, we gave the girls some nice, simple gifts and then we got dressed for church. Believe it or not, I finally finished the set of dresses for which I bought fabric one year ago! I actually had Megan and Mariah help to sew theirs since theirs were the last ones that needed to get done. While I was working with Megan, she said, "Mom, I thought of the next story I will write for school. I'll call it Sewing." I'm just holding my breath, waiting for the punch line. Sure enough. "It'll go like this: 'My mom thought of a new way to torture me. It's called sewing!" Ha, ha. Nice, huh? That just proves Megan was actually having a grand time. She just likes to wring all the silliness she can out of every circumstance!

They're actually really simple dresses, but the addition of scarves makes them really fun, I think. Here's a pic:

I didn't make Beth's dress, of course. She blends in, though, so it's all good. Sarah is not taller than Savannah. Savannah is just leaning against the piano.

We had a nice Easter/birthday dinner for Grandma on Friday at her house and the girls had an egg hunt then, too. It was great fun. We needed to do that on Friday because they were leaving the next day for Idaho.

Savannah had her first track meet on Friday. She ran the mile and her time was 6:43. Fun, huh? She also ran in the 4x400 relay and the 4x100 relay. If you ask her if she likes track, she will tell you that it is a love/hate relationship. She loves running but hates all the time track takes. She actually has to work at practices. Horror!

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