First week back in school! Beth and Ben both seemed to have adjusted well to being back.
Bethany has two changes to her schedule. The first is that she moved her math class to online. She hasn't started it yet because of a delay in registration but the welcoming emails have been upbeat! The second is a psychology class. So far, she loves it! That feels like a win. She is in another musical (Mean Girls) which is part of a class but they did start after-school rehearsals this week. That happened twice this week and it tired her out completely but she made it and she kept up with her school schedule. That is also a major win! She went to a dance for theatre students on Saturday night with her friend Macie and they made some fun memories there, too!
Benjamin has only one change to his schedule for the new semester. He no longer has PE and instead has small engine repair. Everyday I've asked him if he knows how to fix an engine yet but apparently the teacher is still doing get-to-know-you activities. He has friends in the class, though, so he is inclined to like it. Also, I signed him up for some time playing group tennis. That started this week and is on Monday and Wednesdays. He thought it would be terrible, but ended up saying it was really fun! We'll take that as a win, as well. He also went to indoor track practice once this week. They ran four miles and he was a sore boy the next day!!
Savannah, Sarah, Megan, Mariah, and Kolby came with Kevin and I to Barnes and Noble on Saturday and we finished up our book-buying out-to-eat grandparent giftcards from Christmas. We had a fun time, got some good books, and ate at CupBop. Beth and Ben opted out this time but spent some fun time together at home.
Kevin's busy with the YSA ward and with work. Per a change in revenue design, he has been seeing a lot more individuals in private therapy once again but still working on online content. He also still loves researching all things stocks and private investing in his free time.
I have been doing homework. I started getting things ready for taxes and am continuing my photo project. I read articles on my phone about gut health and mental health and parenting. I kind of like how my phone pays attention to what I'm interested in and shows me more and more of it. I think it's making me smarter!
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