Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Benjamin got to go to stake YM camp this week! He's never been to a stake camp, so as we're pulling into the parking lot and seeing all the kids, Ben says, "Oh. I don't know if I'll like this camp." Crowds are intimidating and he was honest! But he gathered his courage quickly and dove right in. He ended up having a great time! The camp was split into teams and they competed in different events over the four days they were there. His team did great! At the end of the week, they had an Enos experience and it was powerful for Ben. He really liked it. I really liked seeing him again and getting a big Ben hug!! We missed him. Before he left, he played in another match for Springville tennis and he played great. He also had guitar and reports that went well, too! On Friday night, he went out with his dad for food and new shoes. While they were in Wendy's, the lights went out! They had great stories to tell of shopping and traveling with the power out throughout the city.

Bethany had a chance to do something fun this week, too, because Megan planned a getaway! Megan rented an AirBnB outside of Heber in the mountains by a little lake. It was beautiful! She invited Savannah, Sarah and her little people, Mariah, Bethany, and me (but I could only go Friday night). They slept there Thursday and Friday nights and enjoyed being in a beautiful place. They played games, checked out the lake, hiked, did nails, talked and laughed. I think a good time was had by all! I know I had a fun time for the little time I was there. I think it's super neat that they did that. Beth said it was so good to get away.

A fun thing for me this week was that I got to sit in on Kevin's intensive. He had a couple here from out of town for three days of intensive therapy. He offers that from time to time. I asked if I could sit in and observe as part of the direct hours I need for school. I really enjoyed having the chance to see him work! We also had Thursday night to ourselves and we went out to eat and enjoyed our time together. Fun times!

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