Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bethany and I went to see the school play with part of her youth group on Saturday night. It was Little Women the musical. We really liked it! They did a good job and it was fun to be there with Bethany!

Bethany had her first opportunity to be a basketball referee Saturday morning. She reffed one and a half games of fourth-grade-boys basketball. She says she did terrible, but everyone starts terrible! We are proud of her bravery.

On Friday morning, Kevin took Beth and Ben, picked up Chey (who stayed the night at Cali's) and Cali and went to the old Provo temple for baptisms. Beth missed early-morning seminary but otherwise everyone still got to school and work on time. They all said they were really glad they went because they get such a good feeling at the temple. It made it worth the early morning!

We saw Chey later that day when she came to cover someone's shift at the assisted living center she worked at over the summer. We saw Cali on Saturday when she came home to write an essay and gave her dad some time to help stop the Jeep from leaking. It was fun to see both of them during the week!

Savannah worked this week at Funfinity. She also worked on her college class. She went on a date where the boy said he isn't ready for a relationship. Sad face. She went out to eat with Sarah and Megan on Saturday for lunch and that was fun.

Benjamin had karate and chess club and guitar. For young men's, they learned to make spaghetti! I taught him to make waffles on Saturday. He's getting lots of kitchen knowledge! He's also pretty pro at Roblox and Minecraft which he likes to play with his friends while they are on the phone.

I worked every morning this week. I also got to babysit for Avery three days this week and that is always fun! We went to the mall and walked a couple times and I let Avery play in the play area.

I had some extra time that I didn't know what to do with, so I sewed the jumper that I've been wishing I had and can't find in stores or online. Simple but fun!

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