Last Sunday, we had Kim and her family over for dinner! So fun to catch up with my old friend and get to know some of her kids better. I should have taken a picture! Love that lady.
Bethany took her belt test on Saturday and passed! That included a three mile run and an essay and all the kicks, blocks, forms, and strikes needed for her level. She's now a brown/red belt and she received two sais to start training with. They look like swords and I'm pretty sure she could kill someone with them. Yikes! Ha ha! It's a great accomplishment!
Bethany also had play practice all week. Friday night we had a YW sleepover. I went too! We did a cute, crafty service project, snacked, played games, and also sang and danced quite loudly to YouTube videos like Just Dance and karaoke. It was a fun time! A movie was watched and some sleeping done before we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and headed home. Good memories!
Benjamin decided to wait on the belt test for karate. He's had a barking cough all week. It is only today sounding a little better. On Wednesday for YM, his group went snow shoeing. It was a great day for it as we'd just got another foot that day. He had fun and he was sure sore the next day! It can be hard work!
Savannah went to the doc on Monday and he put her on antibiotics so she has started to feel better. Yay! She was able to go back to work at Funfinity and at Earth Harbor where she is really enjoying the challenge of organizing the inventory as well as working with Sarah and Megan!
Kevin is writing and walking and creating content for work and doing many great things. He found out that his friend and mentor, Ken Patey, passed away this week after a bad fall. He had a big impact on our lives, gave Kevin his first job after college, and was a great man. We our sad to see him go and so grateful for his life.
I worked this week and watched sweet Avery, as well. I got some taxes done and a bit of writing. I also got a letter from BYU informing me that I wasn't accepted to their MSW program. That's a bummer and I am disappointed. But, Kevin and I have talked and I will go forward with my "plan B" which is to get a master's degree from an online program which might be better anyway!