Although Saturday was Avery's first birthday, we celebrated on Sunday! We had Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik over and everyone else who could come for dinner. Afterwards we opened presents and sang to Avery and had cupcakes! We love that little girl and can't believe she's already one year old!
No school on Monday because of Martin Luther King Jr. day! A lot of our family still had to work, so Chey, Beth, and I babysat for Avery here at our house. We love that happy, busy little gal. Savannah took over for a couple of hours while I took Chey to the chiropractor and then back to her apartment. It tunns out that she knocked a rib out of place in her basketball class last week! Poor girl! She's feeling better now!
On Tuesday, I babysat for Avery again but with far less helpers! Everyone went back to school and the house was very quiet. Avery and I turned on some music and had a good time anyway! The rest of the week I worked on some taxes for our short term rental and got started on Kevin's W-2. I also finished a couple of great books and went to bookclub. Oh, and Robin and I went walking around the reservoir. Fun times!
Bethany had play practices all week after school. She also had karate on Tuesday and Thursday and of course, she's still doing early morning seminary. That means she has some long days! I think she's getting used to it, though and enjoying her schedule. For our church activity this week, we learned some ballet warm-ups and then a line dance to Footloose. Fun times! Afterwards the girls got in the hot tub. Beth had a good time with that, as well.
Ben had chess club twice this week. From his report, he is winning a lot. He says he is ranked 6. He also went to karate and guitar. He still plays games on the computer each night and sometimes with friends online with him. I wish we could find him something worthwhile to watch on the TV. He turns that on in the background. He is getting tall and is almost as tall as me!
Savannah worked all week at Funfinity. She has been trying to figure out what will work for her for her independent study class and though we haven't figured it out yet, we will! She also asked her friends to set her up on a date for Friday and she actually had a pretty great time. So, that was cool.
I've been trying to walk every day at sunset and take a picture. Here's some good ones from this week:
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