Saturday, December 10, 2022

We had a pretty uneventful week. Beth and Ben went back to school and back to karate. Savannah went back to work at Funifinity. Kevin and I went back to work, too. Cali, Chey, and Mariah all went back to college.

Beth and I had a YW activity on Wednesday night. We went to Heritage (the care center where Cheyenne worked!) and played Bingo with the residents. Ben had a YM activity that night, too. They decorated baseball hats.

On Friday, Bethany went with Calianne's friends to do baptisms at the temple. She had a great time. Kevin and I went out to eat and then bought two new chairs for Christmas presents for each other. We had a great time, too.

On Saturday, Ben's friend Kyler came over and later Max. Beth played with them all, too. Good times!

Saturday night I covered someone else's shift at work and watched a messed-up movie with the girls and the other staff. (It was called LOL and starred Miley Cyrus) The girls watching it said, "This is just normal teenage life, so how come these kids get to keep going to high school and we're in a residential treatment center?" I suppose there's lots of answers for that, but I think it highlights a huge problem with media nowadays -- portraying social vices as so prevalent that kids think they are "normal" -- and without consequences. That's another big problem. It's so unfair and cruel, really. Just because adults wish there were no consequences doesn't mean they aren't very, very real. Movie makers know that too. It's unconscionable. 

That's my two cents. I hope you enjoyed it! Ha ha!

On Saturday night, Kevin worked on his first podcast for our church ward. It's his new calling! He's going to really rock it. He's hoping to get interviews from people in our ward and highlight missionaries and do so many fun things. He's going to do great! 

So, because I don't have pictures from this week, here's some more pictures from last Sunday when we decorated the Christmas tree!

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